Mission 6: Among Us

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I don't know about you, but in the situation I'm in, it reminds me of a scene from KH 358/2 days with the sea salt ice cream trio, only I'm alone and I'm not on a clock tower like in Twilight Town, but on a wooden crane that overlooked the sea and instead of a city there is the sea, it's not bad I would put them on the same level. If you're wondering how I ended up here, the reason is simple. I needed a place to sleep and since I didn't want to go look for a hotel and pay I chose a spot where it wouldn't stand out and then if I actually rented somewhere, they would shower me with questions, and then I would end up under the weights of hugs and cuddles from the female staff, and I wanted to live again.

However today was the day of the ritual and the false death of Morax, I just hope that everything goes as Zhongli and I have planned otherwise we will have to resort to plan B. I was somewhat surprised yesterday when Morax proved to be very cooperative especially after I explained the situation of the cryo archon with a theory of his plan and of what would have happened to Barbatos if I did not intervene to save her. It was quite funny because I still remembered the whole conversation in detail:


Zhongli: So is this the contract you wanted to make with me? The reasons are compressible, but if you don't have concrete proof of what you think, how can you be sure?

Y/n: This is true, and while I don't have solid proof for the moment, it doesn't mean that what I think can't happen and then if it serves then I'll dig deep to see if it's true or not.

Zhongli: It will be difficult, Tsaritsa and her subordinates are not easy to defeat especially from what you have told me about them now.

Y/n: Calm down I faced worse, for me they are just another group of bad guys that needs to be kicked in the ass, rather you have already made the contract with them before I introduced myself.

Zhongli: You don't miss anything right? You're right, I made the contract but I didn't do it by choice, I did it because they threatened me and my nation because they knew I wanted to retire and see Liyue as if she would have done without her archon.

Y/n: I'm not surprised, now they have eyes and ears all over the place are worse than cockroaches, and that's another reason to kick them in the butt. However your plan, however well organized it may be, still has many flaws.

Zhongli: What do you mean?

Y/n: The vessel you have here is of excellent quality almost to be mistaken for real I don't doubt it. And you plan to knock him out of the sky during the ritual by making it look like he's dead because someone attacked him.

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