Mission 23: Day out

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Y/n (4S): So...have you made up your mind?

I returned to Nahida after leaving her to think and know what she was going to do.

Nahida: I'm not sure, I would love to but I don't feel ready yet.

It's not good it's worse than I thought

Y/n (4S): Nahida I know you're lying, you're ready, you're just afraid of the consequences. It's also bad for your health to stay indoors.

Her expression saddened, and I reached in and gripped her chin so I could look up from her to my blindfold.

Y/n (4S): Listen to me: You don't have to worry about what will happen once you get out of here because I'll be there to protect you, I swear to well...you..? That nothing and no one will bring you back to your prison and that you will finally have the freedom you deserve. So Nahida what's your answer?

I let go of her chin and stared into her eyes.

Then finally tears fell from her eyes

Nahida: I do! I want to be free!

I smiled at her response and then hugged her

Y/n (4S): You are, now you are free to fly.

We stayed like that for a few seconds and then we parted.

Y/n (4S): Ok! But before going out it will be the case that you change.

Nahida: Change? And how?

Y/n (4S): Tell me Nahida, do you believe in magic?

Nahida: Yes, I believe it. Why?

I snapped my fingers and then the Lexicon appeared next to me as it opened and turned the pages.

Nahida: A catalyst?

Y/n (4S): Oh, no, no, no, this is a simple book but going back to earlier, what's your favorite color?

Nahida: I don't know, I don't have any favorite colors.

Y/n (4S): I see... in this case then I have more choice.

I pointed my hand at Nahida and then the color of her element changed.

Y/n (4S): Done!

Nahida: Done? What have you done?

Y/n (4S): Here you go.

I gave her a mirror and then she started looking at herself and by doing that she became surprised.

I gave her a mirror and then she started looking at herself and by doing that she became surprised

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Nahida: How did you do it? How did you change the color of my hair and eyes?

Y/n (4S): It's simple really, I just cast an illusion on the color of your element and changed it. So it seems that instead of being Archon Dendro you are Archon Electro.

I laughed at the comparison as she continued to look at herself.

Nahida: Will I stay like this forever?

The Adventure Of The Little Player (Genshin Impact X Male Child Gamer Reader)Where stories live. Discover now