Mission 19: Return to Liyue

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I just arrived at my destination, the place where I wore this coat for the first time, I wasn't stupid enough to do it inside the city otherwise I would have been suspicious and put under arrest, my opinion for the last chat with the Harbingers is that it was very satisfying, except towards the end but that was to be expected, after all they may be unique, but they are not that different from any other group of villains who set their goal as the greater good which, however, once achieved they will not be able to expect the consequences of their actions, a bit like the organization XIII when Xemnas was in charge. However I was about to take off my coat when he heard my spider-sense warning me of imminent danger, I listened to him and avoided a green spear that was about to strike me.

I recognized the spear and I already knew who it belonged to but I didn't see him anywhere, I looked around in search of him and then finally he appeared next to it.

Now I don't know why he is attacking me.... oh... ****!

Y/n (Zero): Come on! Is this how you greet a person who helped prevent a god trapped by who knows how much from destroying the city you're sworn to protect?

Hearing this he was surprised but he recovered immediately.

Xiao: Shut up creature of darkness.

Y/n (Zero): Uf...you hurt me with these words, I could also use the darkness but i wasn't born from it.

Xiao: It doesn't matter, I'll exterminate you anyway!

He ran towards me and started attacking me however he managed to avoid them and I moved to a nearby rock and sat on it.

Xiao: Stop running away!

Y/n (Zero): Run away? Who is it that is running away? I certainly don't. Anyway I suggest you stop it I'm not here to fight.

Xiao: Shut up!

He teleported behind me but I jumped forward.

Y/n (Zero): So... you want to play. All right, I think I have some time to kill. How about a game? You have to choose a number between…

I didn't finish speaking because he stuck his spear into my chest where her heart was and then pulled it out as he turned to leave.

Y/n (Zero): Hey! You know it's rude to interrupt people when they're talking?

He spun again and this time continued making multiple attacks, all of them targeting different parts of my body.

Y/n (Zero): It's MUDA to keep trying, I don't feel anything.

He pulled away from me and then I saw that his body was beginning to erupt energy Adepti and Anemo as he put on the mask.

To be honest, even though this is one of my favorite abilities of a character, I didn't feel like being subjected to it especially when I was busy, so…

Xiao: Evil conque...

I ran towards him like the wind and then gave him a powerful attack to the face.

Y/n (Zero): Detroit Smash!

Y/n (Zero): Maybe I exaggerated.

I immediately approached him and put two fingers on his neck to check if he was still breathing and luckily he still was. It would have been a nuisance if he was dead and besides Morax would blame me so it's better that way. I couldn't leave him like this but I couldn't heal him right away otherwise he would have gone on the attack again, so I took off my coat and loaded it on my shoulders so I could take him to the Bubu Pharmacy so they could heal him.

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