Mission 22: Rescue

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Y/n (4S): So... Are you ready Pod? Once inside we must be as quiet as possible and exit immediately.

Pod 153: Affirmative! Changing the audio output volume to 7. Is this value good for the 4S unit?

His voice was very low in fact it was fine.

Y/n (4S): Fine, but remember to speak only when necessary.

Pod 153: Setting confirmed.

We were at the foot of the giant tree in a shaded area and above us was the Akademiya and Shrine.

Time: 23:55

5 minutes more and then the panic will start. I can't wait to see everyone's reactions to finding out they're about to lose everything. But I had to be patient, just one false move and I'll end up in everyone's crosshairs without the target.

I looked at the time once more: 00:00

Time to act

I jumped up the tree and then started using Free Running to run up the trunk, ran quickly and then got to the door to enter the Sanctuary of Surasthana. I was now shifted so as not to be heard by the guards who were further ahead guarding the entrance, a pity for them who will soon be punished for having done their job badly but now I don't regret anything as long as Azar is in charge.

I entered and closed the door slowly, thus avoiding making any noise.

The first thing that caught my attention was this:

It reminded me a lot of the scenes from KH Chain of Memories and KH 2, only here the person inside is imprisoned and belittled

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It reminded me a lot of the scenes from KH Chain of Memories and KH 2, only here the person inside is imprisoned and belittled.

Y/n (4S): Pod, guards the entry and exit points of this room, if you hear anything let me know immediately.

Pod 153: Received!

I got even closer to the cocoon.

I just can't fathom how such cruelty exists, she's just a child she didn't hurt anyone she didn't deserve this.

I stood in front of the console, placed a hand on it and started the Hacking.

I soon became kind of a little white arrow

I soon became kind of a little white arrow

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The Adventure Of The Little Player (Genshin Impact X Male Child Gamer Reader)Where stories live. Discover now