Mission 16 (Part 2): The last battle for freedom

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Y/n (Zero): Great job blondie, I knew you'd do it.

Lumine: Thank you.

Y/n (Zero): Now get out of here and rest, you've earned it

I walked her to the exit and then stopped, she looked at me confused and then Paimon appeared beside her.

Paimon: What are you doing? You do not come?

Y/n (Zero): Excuse me emergency food, but I still have one last thing to do with the puppet.

Both looked at me but then they left the residence and left me alone with the puppet.

Y/n (Zero): Looks like it's just you and me puppet, oh! sorry i mean, me, you and the neet locked up.

Puppet: Whatever you are I order you to step aside otherwise you will suffer divine punishment and consider yourself an enemy of eternity too.

Y/n (Zero): And tell me why would I ever listen to a sex doll being manipulated by a brat?

At that comment she with the same speed of lightning rushed towards me. But needless as fast as she goes for me she will be as slow as a snail, when her blade was inches from my neck, I lifted her right hand and opened it slightly as a dark light appeared. When our weapons collided we ended up in a stalemate where however she managed to push her away immediately while she looked with a neutral expression at the weapon I was holding.

 When our weapons collided we ended up in a stalemate where however she managed to push her away immediately while she looked with a neutral expression at the weapon I was holding

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Puppet: So... you have one too.

Y/n (Zero): Judging by your expression which you don't have but which can be imagined, this particular weapon seems to bother you.

She said nothing and looked at oblivion with a neutral expression even though I imagined it was hate instead.

Y/n (Zero): Anyway as I told you if you want to get to them, first you will have to go through me.

Puppet: All right, so be it.

She was in a fighting stance.

Y/n (Zero): Indeed, now that I think about it with you it is useless what I will do since you only take orders from the neet so I will use a different approach.

Puppet: What do you mean?

I raised oblivion and pointed it towards her heart, then a ray of light came out of the tip and hit her while a huge pink crystal came out of her chest,

I raised oblivion and pointed it towards her heart, then a ray of light came out of the tip and hit her while a huge pink crystal came out of her chest,

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