Mission 4 (part 2): Battle at the moonlight

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Start fighting Y/n theme

We both charged at each other until our blades touch causing sparks followed by a shock wave that pushed us a few inches away.

But we both regained our balance immediately and charged again, only this time Diluc swung his weapon vertically like a hammer, but I stepped to the side and gave a spinning kick that hit him in the face causing him to crash into a a nearby tree.

Then I jumped very high and then launched myself towards him like a circular saw with my blade, I was close to him but with his claymore he had prepared his elementary attack and in that moment he threw me the fire hawk that was about to meet with me,I could feel the power of the attack but it was nothing I could not manage indeed it was too weak and I already knew a billion ways to counter it so I chose the one that would allow me not to interrupt the attack so I evoked an armor around my body.

Then I jumped very high and then launched myself towards him like a circular saw with my blade, I was close to him but with his claymore he had prepared his elementary attack and in that moment he threw me the fire hawk that was about to meet with...

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In fact the hawk exploded in a thousand sparks as I continued to spin and Diluc was surprised that his strongest attack had been defeated with such ease and now that I was also so close he used his claymore to parry it by lifting it horizontally, finally when we collided Diluc was having difficulty holding the position as I turned quickly on the blade creating a lot of sparks.

He continued like this for a while until it happened that the claymore split in two leaving Diluc with his mouth open and without a means to defend himself, for him it seemed that it was over, that he died here by my hand, closing his eyes waiting for the end. But I wouldn't have done it because he is important and besides, he has already lost a lot in his life and I would not have deprived him of what was left of him. So at the last second I went back to normal and gave him a simple punch in the head.

Diluc: Ouch!

End of Y/n's fighting theme

Diluc was holding a hand on the spot where I had hit him while I was picking up the pieces of the Claymore that I had damaged, in fact he was not looking at me with doubt.

Diluc: Why didn't you kill me?

Y/n: Because you are not my enemy, and then it would have been a shame to lose someone with the potential and who is dear to many people and also I did not say that I would kill you if you attacked me but only defended.

Diluc looked even more confused as I approached with the repaired weapon.

Diluc: How did you do it? Such damage is impossible to repair.

I put the blade on the ground as I held out my hand to help him get up, he looked at it doubtfully before looking at me as I smiled and gestured to accept. He thought about it for a moment but in the end he took it and got up from the ground handing him the weapon.

Y/n: For me the word impossible does not exist, and I hope you now understand that I am not your enemy or anyone else's.

Diluc: I see it, forgive me if I attacked you before.

Y/n: Don't worry, you still wanted some answers to know more about me.

Diluc nodded his head

Obviously I couldn't tell him the truth so I would have told him the same things I said to Kaeya so as not to give suspicion.

Y/n: But I warn you that many of the answers you are looking for will not have answers because I don't know much about myself either, I too am trying to understand who I am and why I can do what you have seen.

Diluc: It doesn't matter for now what you know will be enough for me, but I still don't understand why every time the night comes you leave the city and then come back in the morning of the next day.

Y/n: Simple, let's say I sleep out here in the open since I don't have a roof over my head and ...

Diluc: Do you sleep outdoors? In the middle of the woods?

Y/n: Basically yes!

There was a minute of silence before Diluc took me by the wrist and walked us to a random spot with my confusion.

Y/n: What are you doing?

Diluc: For tonight I will host you at my house, I don't like the idea of ​​a child sleeping outside in the midst of slimes and Hilichurls.

Y/n: But there is no need, I can manage perfectly on my own.

Diluc: Then consider it my apology for what happened earlier.

= ⁠_⁠ =  perfect, just when I wanted to do something else.

Y/n: Well, since you insist, this time I'll accept.

Diluc: Trust me, you'll be fine.

And so was born the friendship between me and the darknight.

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