Mission 9: First problems

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I was walking following purple thread that could only be seen with elemental sight, I had hidden the vision in one of my pockets so as not to already paint a target on me. I was at the gates that were used to enter the village and in front of them there was NPC that you found there, I had to pass so I already prepared a speech.

Y/n: Good morning sir, may I come by please?

Random NPC: Never seen you before? What are you doing here?

Y/n: I went out for a walk, I was exploring this part of the peninsula.

Random NPC: I see, do your parents know?

Y/n: Sure.

Random NPC: Alright you can pass but be careful.

Y/n: Thank you.

He stepped aside and I passed, entering the village. It was a rather nice and peaceful village, certainly a nice place to want to lead a peaceful life in contact with nature, if only there weren't those annoying mobs that are near one of the houses, but from what I gather what the game taught is that if you leave the mobs alone and don't enter their camp or touch some things they will leave you alone, if not run away somewhere far enough and they will go back to inactive. In fact, I ignored them and continued on quietly.

I walked for another 5 minutes when I then realized that I had arrived at Inazuma City, I recognized the entrance to the city due to the excessive number of beautiful figurines there, and the various structures. Luckily I hid in a blind spot without being seen, and sadly as my vision indicated I had to enter the city. I had to decide how to continue because I think everyone knows each other here and so if I entered normally I would immediately end up under arrest (I think?) Since I'm a stranger and I don't even have an identification, now I understand how an illegal immigrant feels. After a few seconds a lamp went on in my head, I took out of my left jacket pocket a glass bottle containing a blue-gray liquid,

 After a few seconds a lamp went on in my head, I took out of my left jacket pocket a glass bottle containing a blue-gray liquid,

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I popped the cap and drank the contents, it tasted not bad and a second later my body started to disappear. I had become invisible thanks to Minecraft creative mode, he came out of hiding and started walking calmly but not too much inside while occasionally the guards turned their heads in the direction of the sound of my footsteps only to then be confused and then go back to theirs. stations. Inazuma City was a real feast for the eyes, it was very reminiscent of the feudal Japan of my world, staying here is like reliving a bygone historical era. When all this was over I would very much like to learn more about the culture of this country, but unfortunately I didn't have time right now. I checked the time I had left before the effect of the potion wore off, and as I figured I only had 5:30 minutes left, I double checked the direction and found to my confusion that the other end of the thread was at the top of the Grand Narukami Shrine.

Ok... this was really weird to me, why does it tell me that Gnosis is up there? As far as I know the archon always carries the Gnosis with him wherever he goes. But from the gossip I've heard it seems that Raiden never leaves his estate except only on special occasions, so I wonder who actually owns it. Three theories came to mind:

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