Mission 7 (Part 2): Overlord no more

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I entered the Golden House and as I imagined Lumine and Childe were facing each other, I am surprised that Childe is still able to fight after all the fatigue of our fight but I think it is because of his nature. I hid behind a pillar so as not to be seen watching the fight.

(Stop at minute 3:31)

Lumine was knocked back to the ground by the last attack with Paimon checking that she was okay as Childe approached her turning her blades back into the electro spear.

Childe: Not bad. Your swordsmaship Is quite impressive. But, that's about as far as you'll get.

After his observation he moved quickly to stab Lumine but managed to block him with his palm in a vortex before he could go farther. But the spear was able to go beyond the sphere and Lumine was about to give in but with a movement of the left leg he used the geo element and created a trail of stones that was about to hit Childe but there was an electro explosion that raised smoke, then when he disappeared what was surrounded by the geo stones was not the opponent but his weapon.

Childe: Haha ...

Hearing the laughter Lumine and Paimon turned behind them and there they found Childe next to the vessel with her left hand on it.

Childe: Didn't think you had that card hidden up your sleeve...

Paimon: You were just playing us to get close to the Exuvia!

Childe: Oh, quiet down. Stop acting like some wide-eyed recruit.

Then his hand was covered with lightning.

Childe: You've seen this world. You of all people should know... This should have been expected.

Then he slipped his hand into the vessel's chest, unleashing lightning bolts and a shock wave. But what he doesn't know is that he will remain empty handed.

Childe: Well then, i'll be taking Morax's Gnosis now!

In fact then when he pulled it out there was nothing in it.

Childe: Hahaha... I see. Well, this is most unexpected.

Then he was covered in an electro purple aura.

Childe: He... I knew it was strange that he had left the Gnosis unattended, I knew there was a catch I couldn't understand.

(Go to minute 4:35 and stop to minute 5:02)

Childe: Fine! This will cost to him but now i will do it at you!

Childe with his spear destroyed the floor and so they both went downstairs where the fight would continue with the only difference that while they were fighting Childe would have made many theories as to why I lied to him.

(Watch the final phase of the battle)

Childe was now on the ground and had returned to normal, this means that Lumine in terms of strength could now stand up to him, it seems that in the end my intervention was not necessary but an eye was always good to keep it in case something changed from how it should have been go originally.

Childe: It seems the burden of the Foul Legacy Transformation was too great for my body. I lacked the opportunity to think this trough... And now that i consider the matter more carefully, you never had any chance of beating me to the Gnosis. Only Zero had the connection to the Gnosis, and maybe he has it with him.

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