Mission 29: The Hydro Gnosis

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I woke up lying on the floor near the fountain. Damn I felt like I had been hit with a baseball bat on the head. I stood up and put a hand on my head to slightly ease the pain, once I did, I immediately began looking around in case there was any hostility around me. Looking in all directions surprisingly I didn't see anyone or anything out of the ordinary and this confused me.

Y/n: Strange, yet I was sure that Marcel would take the bait so he could shut my mouth and get rid of me to protect his secret.

I looked around again just to be sure but I didn't see any sign of Marcel or any Clockwork Meka and it made me worry a little but then I realized that I was just a child so he might have believed that what I said could have been a joke and/or that it wasn't worth killing an "innocent" life, then innocent, not that I'm that much. Anyway... I shrugged then I turned off my duel disk and put the cards back in the deck while i moved on to the next thing to do, which was recovering the Hydro Gnosis. (I never recovered it, what was perhaps there before was only fantasy.)

I went around the fountain and went to the doors of the Opera Epiclese, I approached them and pushed them and that made the doors open and that also started to make me wonder about the safety of this world because if the doors are never locked and everyone can entering it would be as if they were inviting them to steal houses and shops but then this was just a game so there's no point in complaining and in fact I should be happy that this thing hasn't changed.

I went in and closed the doors behind me.

Once inside I checked to see if anyone was there but I didn't find anyone so I was free to do as I wanted. I moved to the main room where the show of Lyney and Lynette and their trial would take place.

But now I had something else to do, I advanced and went up on stage finding myself in front of the Oratrice Mecanique d'Analyse Cardinale. Now! I don't know if the archon is awake and she's looking at me and stuff right now but I have to get her Gnosis, I just hope that doing so doesn't set off some alarm system and stuff.

I raised a hand in front of the Oratrice and both began to glow with a blue light, then a ball of light began to come out of it and flew into my hand which then transformed into the Gnosis, I immediately placed it in my inventory safely, then I raised my other hand and created a Hydro sphere which then took the form of the Gnosis which flew inside the Oratrice. With this I hoped that my reply had enough power to prevent Fontaine from sinking and dissolving everyone.

I turned to leave but just then I heard the sound of gears turning along with a faint light. I turned back to the Oratrice and saw that it had indeed come into operation.

Y/n: Oh-Oh! I think maybe she took it a little.

I didn't seriously think that she had an alarm system, but apparently she did, now I don't know what would happen if they saw me, but I'm sure of 2 things... 2 not really at most 1:

1: They would take me to trial and I would surely be found guilty.

2: I will be sent to prison if they are lenient, or it will end with me being sentenced to death.

I'm not sure how politics works in general since I only know politics from video games and cartoons. But I don't want to stay here and find out.

I quickly began to think of a way to escape when I noticed a teal glow coming out of my holster.

Y/n: What?

I pulled out the card that was glowing and then my expression went from confused to 'are you serious?'

My body was covered in the same blue light that blinded me as I felt my body disappear.

Somewhere else

I felt my body again, the moving process was strange. I felt...like...sinking and then emerging like a swim.

A second later the sensation ended and then I landed on something...

???: Oof!


I also heard someone's voice, which made me realize that I had landed on someone, I turned my gaze to the left and came face to face with the person I had landed on.

I also heard someone's voice, which made me realize that I had landed on someone, I turned my gaze to the left and came face to face with the person I had landed on

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Y/n: Seriously!?

Furina: Wha-

Y/n: Sleep!

I cast the spell on her before she had a chance to call anyone or scream, if they saw us now I'm sure Furina's reputation would have suffered or just me ending up on trial for trespassing or something, the imagination of the inhabitants of this nation knows how a simple accident can seem like an attempted murder or worse...

However I climbed down from above Furina's chest and headed to the window of her room, I opened it and after a brief check to make sure no one was there I jumped and landed on the roof of a nearby house while I closed the window making it appear that no one was there. there had been no one and hoping that she can think of the situation that had happened as a simple dream.

Well! Now, what to do? I had done the important part of my job, so... what could I do now?

I crossed my arms as I closed my eyes to think.

Y/n: Umhh...

I might go and fight All-Devouring Narwhal aka "Big Fucking Whale", but this might end up attracting Skirk's attention and not only that, now I don't know how strong she is but I think I still have a chance to beat her but if I managed to do it, then there would also be his master Surtalogi of whom nothing is known other than that he is one of the Five Sinners of Khaenri'ah, assuming that I also manage to defeat him by some sort of miracle, this would then end with the other four who would seek me out and take revenge for the fall of their comrade while also ultimately bringing about the destruction of the world... provided they are not completely selfish.

I kept thinking about the possible options available to me and the consequences resulting from them but none of them seemed to be of benefit so I decided that I would let the traveler do everything at least the parts that I didn't consider essential but for the moment I will continue to mess around.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26 ⏰

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