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BARRY ALLEN HAD SCREWED UP the night he created Flashpoint. He had initiated monumental damage and he now had to live with the repercussions of his actions. So many lives were altered, some for the best while some for the worst. However, there was one unforeseen revision that Barry hadn't expected, but he knew he wouldn't change for the world.

Evelyn Sutton was alive.

Barry didn't know how or why the universe rewrote their past and corrected that unfortunate event, but he wasn't sorry that it did. He was shocked—in denial even—when newfound memories that never existed before of Evelyn were engraved in his subconscious. He nearly cried at the new memory of him embracing her tightly when he discovered that Snart didn't let her go home that terrible night. But while it was easy for Barry to be delighted that his best friend was alive, he would have been naïve to believe that this change hadn't come with a price. As a result of Flashpoint, Evelyn wasn't the same.

Evelyn Sutton—who once helped Barry adjust to the impossible—had become the impossible. She was a metahuman—an empath. She could control the emotions of not just others but the emotional signatures left behind in places and objects. When Barry returned to his new normal, he was shocked to discover her powers and her absence.

After an incident at CCPD, the community she had vowed to protect and gave her all for had turned on her leaving her to flee. Barry felt immense guilt because she had to leave behind everything she fought so hard for. She lost everything she built all because he wanted a different life. Evelyn was now a rogue and had returned back to the life of crime. He questioned whether she would've rather have stayed dead than return to her old life. He doesn't think he'll ever get the chance to ask her since he hadn't spoken to her in two years and he doubted she would want to see him.

In reality, Evelyn would have rather she be dead than resort back to thieving and being on the run. However, if she were to know where her chaotic life was headed, she would thank Barry for the greatest gift he had given her. The gift of a second chance and the gift of a second family. Evelyn never knew it then but she had found her home. She had found her place in this confusing yet beautiful world on that soon-to-be unforgettable rooftop. She was surrounded by idiotic, screwups who were the bravest heroes she would have ever met. They were all nobodies finding themselves together throughout time and space. A bunch of broken pieces forged together to create something new—something far more extraordinary than what had existed before.

"The names Rip Hunter. I'm from east London." The time-traveling Brit introduced himself to the nine strangers on the roof. "Oh, and the future."

"Nice to meet you, Rip." Mick snarled as he swiftly aimed his heat gun at the man who had previously kidnapped them.

Rip smirked when Mick pulled the trigger. Mick stared down at his gun perplexed as to why it didn't work. "Uh, while you were incapacitated, I may have tampered with your weapons."

Evelyn Sutton took a step forward from her place beside Snart. "How about you tell us why the hell you kidnapped us?" She snapped as her eyes flashed red for a brief moment. He may have tampered with her gun but her powers were still intact.

Rip nodded courteously. "I've assembled you all because I need your help. The future of the world is in peril because of a man by the name of Vandal Savage."

Kendra and Carter shared a glance. "That can't be. We destroyed him." Hawkman replied.

"Yeah, the Green Arrow and Flash helped us do it." Added Kendra and Evelyn noticeably flinched at the mention of Barry.

"And therein lay the problem. Unless you or Mr. Hall deliver the death blow, Savage can be restored from but a single cell." Captain Hunter explained.

"What the hell are you talking about?" Mick snapped. He wasn't so pleased with the lack of clarification on Savage and his history.

"Vandal is immortal. Kendra and I reincarnate." Carter gave him a brief rundown of the situation.

Sara Lance studied the ancient beings before she turned to the rest of the group. "Yeah, I've done that."

"And what the hell does the Randall guy got to do with us?" Mick asked them impatiently.

"Vandal." Evelyn corrected.

"In the near future, he will employ the evil he's perfected over his long life, and the power he has amassed throughout history, to finally conquer the world." Rip explained as he had started to walk away from the group. "I've been tasked with assembling an elite team to stop him."

"How?" Sara asked curiously.

"To travel throughout time." Rip turned on his heels and gestured dramatically toward the night, starry sky. "To capture Savage before he grows into the monster he becomes."

Evelyn felt Leonard's hand slip through her fingers. "You got the wrong guy. Hero ain't on my resume." Snart told him as he started to walk past him.

"I know it's difficult for you to fathom, but where...when I'm from, the year 2166, you and everyone on this roof aren't just considered heroes..." Snart couldn't help but halt at his words. Evelyn watched Captain Hunter carefully—eager to hear his next words.

"You're legends."


Check out the sequel "Back to the Future"

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