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THE TEAMS PLAN HAD FAILED. Joe and the other officers were completely taken off guard the moment they were introduced to Snart's fiery partner, Mick. Cisco's shields had done their job when it came to Snart's cold gun, but it was in no way built to withstand the inferno from Mick's gun. They had no choice but to retreat leaving S. T. A. R. Labs to try and find another solution.

"When the heat gun was fired, it increased the surrounding temperature of the air drastically." Cisco informed the gang minus Caitlin who oddly never came in today. They huddled around the monitor that displayed a digital blueprint of the heat gun.

"Sort of like an extreme heatwave." Evelyn thought aloud as she came to understand what Cisco was talking about.

Cisco smiled at her. "Heatwave." He repeated as he tapped Evelyn's arm. "Genius." Evelyn laughed at his interest in giving criminals nicknames. She couldn't help but wonder what her alias would've been if she still worked for Snart.

"Stop doing that." Said Wells.

"I measured the temperature output of both the cold and heat guns. And while the cold gun achieves absolute zero, the heat gun successfully reaches absolute hot, or the hottest temperature an object can reach." Cisco explained.

"Planck temperature." Barry replied.

"So potentially, these two guns cancel each other out." Said Wells.

"Yeah, but to do that, you'd have to make them cross streams." Cisco told them the slight difficult part of the solution.

"You mean like in ghostbusters?" Barry asked fighting a smile.

"That film is surprisingly scientifically accurate." Cisco answered. Evelyn and Barry chuckled amongst themselves before Barry's phone vibrated in his pocket.

"Hey, Joe. What's up?" And the smile from Barry's face vanished.


Evelyn caught up with Joe and Barry back at CCPD. They filled her in on the fact that Leonard had managed to kidnap Caitlin. To say Evelyn was pissed would be an understatement. She was fuming. Caitlin was a pure soul who shouldn't have been brought into the middle of whatever war Snart had planned for The Flash.

"Joe!" Eddie yelled as he hurried down the stairs to catch up with trio. "We got a hit. A second pair of prints. They belong to a Mick Rory." He informed them.

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