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EVELYN WATCHED INTENSELY as the black coffee poured into her ravenclaw mug that Barry was so kindly to give to her as a gift on national best friend day. She took notice on how the color changed into a light brown color when mixed with the milk and sugar. Her sudden interest in coffee was simply a way to distract her mind from wandering back to what happened a mere hour ago.

"I searched your whole apartment, you're good." Leonard informed Evelyn as she peered up from her coffee. "I didn't find anything not even a speaker. He knew I would check, so he wasn't stupid enough to bug your place. You're gonna be fine." He added to ease her mind. After she stopped crying, he began searching her whole apartment and the building itself. She asked if she could assist him in anyway hoping that there was something she could do to distract herself, but he knew exactly what he was looking for so she let him do his thing. He clearly made sure he did it thoroughly since it took him a whole hour not that she was complaining. It made her feel extra safe.

"Okay." Evelyn replied meekly with a small nod. She held the mug with one hand and her other rested on the counter. At her lack of a full hearted response, Leonard studied her face before he became aware of her shaky hand. Silently, he took a hold of her hand. Her eyes roamed from the rim of her cup to their intertwined hands and then to Leonard's face.

"You don't have to worry about him." Leonard assured her, and she sighed. "I'm serious. I'm gonna take care of this." His eyes held so much integrity when it came to her safety alongside an unspoken promise to do right by her. She smiled faintly to herself, although it didn't slip past him. She placed her mug down on the counter then reached out to pull him by his shoulders into a kiss. The action took him by surprise, but he thought to himself he would be a fool to protest.

Evelyn was tired of lying to herself about what she wanted, or moreover who she wanted. Her mind and heart had begun to except the plain truth earlier this afternoon thanks to her conversation with a certain redheaded bartender. But it wasn't until her run-in with Lewis, that it put everything into perspective for her. The one person she felt she could trust, the person she would run to when she was in trouble was Leonard; And he would always come running to her aid whenever the need should arise. It had nothing to do with his personal attachment to this particular predicament, because she could remember countless of times in the past where her point held true.

She was done with being caught in the middle of her friends and him. She made her choice. She chose both, because she can have both despite what others may think. She was done with them putting her in the middle. Her mind was made up.

She was the first to pull away. Their eyes lingered on one another momentarily before Evelyn broke their comfortable silence. "So how exactly are you planning on taking care of him?" She asked him with raised brows. Leonard smirked at her ability to kiss him randomly then not even address what had happened. But hey, this girl was a constant surprise after surprise. He had learned to just roll with it.

"I think it's best if you don't know." Leonard said smugly as he walked her to the couch. He sat down first then gently pulled her down to sit beside him. Evelyn sat with her body facing Leonard, so she could see him clearly enough to read his facial expression in case he were to lie to her. She wouldn't put that past him though he does it because he believes it's what's best for her and her safety. He tended to be way over protective. This was one thing he and Barry have in common.

"Don't kill him." She warned him. Leonard rolled his eyes with a smirk still on his lips. It still blew his mind how innocent and pure she was given their past together. He caught himself trying to remember if she was always like this, or was it her newfound career and friendship with the scarlet speedster that made her this this. Now, don't get him wrong, it wasn't like he disliked this side of her because its actually quite the opposite. Truth be told, he loved this side of her, and although he would never admit it she pushed him to be a better man.

"Why? Given the chance, I doubt he wouldn't think twice about killing you if it came down to it." Leonard reminded her, but Evelyn rolled her eyes at his words.

"You're not gonna kill him, Leo. Find another way to get him to stop. Ask Barry for help-" Leonard scoffed at the idea of getting help from the flash when it came to his family problems which earned a warning glance from his girl. "I don't care what else you do. You just don't kill him." Evelyn added more strongly. He thought she was so stubborn, but he loved this stubborn woman so much that he believed it could be the end of him one day.

"My father is a terrible man, Evelyn. I think today is only one example of that. If I kill him, not only will it assure your safety but also the safety of other innocent people he may harass or use as collateral damage in the future." Leonard explained softly and though his words had some truth to them, she still believed there was another way to solve this Lewis problem. She believed death was the last option. They could find a way to get him locked up where he belongs and let the CCPD take care of him.

"Killing is always the answer when it comes Lewis's methods. You, you're not your father. You're not Lewis. You're better than him. Don't stoop to his level." Evelyn told him softly as she placed her hands on his chest. She sighed heavily before continuing. "Just please find another way. For me?"

Leonard searched her eyes. He studied- to him what he believed to be- her angelic face. He sighed in defeat not being able to deny this girl. "Fine." He huffed and she smiled proudly that she broke him quicker than she thought it would take. "But if it doesn't work and he keeps on... then we're doing it my way." He told her. His voice slightly cold though it was not directed to her.

"Sure thing, boss." Evelyn teased and Leonard scoffed.

"So strictly platonic huh?" Leonard said with a smirk as he brought up the words she told his father. She bite her bottom lip in attempt to hold back her laughter. "Cause I don't know if friends kiss? Now, the business thing maybe-" Evelyn shook her head giggling softly then attached her lips to his in a way to shut him up.

"See what I mean?" Leonard said the moment she pulled away.

"Shut the hell up." She said jokingly as she gently smacked the back of his head.


I love them but I wrote this story so again I'm a little biased 😍☺️💜💭

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