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EVELYN STROLLED OUT OF THE BACK OF THE WAREHOUSE that she called her home. Her hands rested in the pockets of her black coat, attempting to find warmth in the chilling December air. It was Sunday, and since they finished a big job Friday it meant that Leonard was gonna be laying low for a while. If needed, he probably would be pulling off smaller jobs for the time being.

"Leonard?" Evelyn called out to him in surprise. She had heard from Mick the other night that he had left, and he wasn't going to be back until Wednesday. So to find him standing alone by the back exit fence was not something she had expected.

He glanced over his shoulder momentarily before staring back at the fence. It was like he was waiting for someone or something. "Don't you have somewhere to be? Have a life outside this job." Leonard said snarky as usual. Evelyn only chuckled under her breath. She was use to his random acts of coldness. He does it to everyone, so it never bothered her.

She came to stand beside him. "I would, but I didn't get my cut yet so..." she countered with a sly smirk managing to bring one out of him as well.

Leonard dug in the inside pocket of his black jacket then pulled out an envelope of cash. He held it out for her to take. "Wow, you just carried that with you because?" She joked but was still at least half serious. Evelyn grabbed the envelope and stashed it in her coat. "Look how you spoil me." She teased.

"Yeah, now go away." He replied with a smirk, but despite the smile he still meant it.

"What are you even doing out here?" She asked him ignoring his demand.

"Can't a man enjoy the scenery?" He replied monotoned. He was clearly trying to dodge the question.

Evelyn looked around them with furrowed brows. "Yeah, the look of old worn out buildings, noisy rusted machinery, and the highway is truly a beautiful sight." She replied with a grin.

Snart rolled his eyes. "Well, since you're nosey as hell-" Evelyn laughed loudly causing him to smile discretely. "I'm meeting someone. He's supposed to be bring me guns to test out before I decide to buy them."

"Oh, I can help. I mean, since I don't have anything to do anyway-" Evelyn began when Leonard cut her off rather quickly.

"No." He said firmly. "I don't want you anywhere near him."

"Why?" She questioned him. All the playfulness between them had diminished. "He's a weapons dealer, not some member of a mafia." She added with a small laugh. She didn't understand why he was acting this way. It's not like he hasn't brought her with him to other deals before.

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