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THERE WAS SOMETHING STRANGE about Barry Allen. He had been acting weirder than usual, which she never even knew could be possible. It started with the little things like he'd freaked out when she'd enter the room during a conversation with Joe, or he spent a lot of time at S.T.A.R. Labs. Then she had begun to pick up on the big things like how he suddenly left when the city was in the middle of a crisis. But most importantly, she took notice of the variables that he had added in the crime reports. It was specific pieces of information that you couldn't possibly catch unless you were there.

Evelyn had concluded that Barry Allen- the utterly adorable, geeky forensic scientist- is 'The Streak'. She knew if she would have said it aloud people would think she was crazy. She knew damn well that it sounded crazy, but the proof was all there. It was in his action since he was terrible at hiding it. It was written in all the impossible cases. Now, she was just determined to get him to admit to it.

She strutted into her shared lab already finding Barry in a deep whispered conversation with Joe. She was going to get him to admit to it one way or another. She was sure that it wouldn't be an easy task. She expected for him to stutter (which he often does when he's lying) and become a rambling mess. She expected for Joe to step in and help cover for him. What she didn't expect was she didn't have to work at all for the confession. She didn't expect for him to flat out admit that he was indeed 'The Streak'.

"We have to tell her." Evelyn heard Joe whisper as she came closer to the door.

"I know it's just-" Barry had cut himself off with a sigh.

"Just what?"

"What if she gets hurt? What if telling her puts her in danger?"

"Barry I get that. I really do." Joe replied genuinely. "But things will be so much easier if she knew, and if she was on board. We can trust her. Besides, she's gonna catch on event-"

"Good morning." Evelyn said purposely aloud as she walked confidently into her shared lab. The two who were whisper yelling very closely to one another pulled apart so fast.

"Uh, mo-" Barry coughed. "Morning."

"So..." Evelyn began to set her plan in motion. She placed her bag on her chair, and her cup of coffee on her stainless steel desk before she headed toward Barry and Joe. "What were you guys talking about?"

Barry grew uncomfortable very quickly under her intense stare. She leaned against Barry's desk, and watched the pair. Her arms folded across her chest, and eyes narrowed. Barry awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck.

Joe cleared his throat before speaking. "So Evelyn, I believe Barry has something to tell you."

"Oh me?" Barry said softly as he awkwardly pointed to himself. "Like right now?"

𝐖𝐇𝐄𝐍 𝐇𝐄𝐋𝐋 𝐅𝐑𝐄𝐄𝐙𝐄𝐒 𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑| 𝐋.𝐒𝐍𝐀𝐑𝐓 (𝟏)Where stories live. Discover now