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"THAT'S UTTER BULLSHIT." Lisa said angrily and a few heads turned their way. Evelyn gave them an awkward smile, and they all went back to their own business. Evelyn glanced back at Lisa who stared at her fries as if they're the ones responsible for her brothers recent actions.

"Are you okay?" Evelyn asked her friend even though she was well aware that Lisa is far from okay.

"No... he's been keeping secrets from me. Secrets that may have to do with our father." Evelyn asked Lisa to meet her at Leonard's club early in the afternoon when she knew he wouldn't be here. She told her everything that happened at Saints and Sinners yesterday. Now, Lisa was upset and demanding answers. Answers that Evelyn doesn't have.

"Is there anything I can do?" Evelyn asked Lisa hopeful. She felt bad that she wasn't able to get much out of Leonard the other day. She was only able to get their fathers name and that was just from eavesdropping.

Lisa sighed then straightened her back. "Actually, yes there is."

"What? Name it, anything." She said happily. Her eagerness might have been a bad idea.

"Demand answers from Lenny." She said with a straight face, and Evelyn sighed as slumped her shoulders.

"I can't do that." Evelyn said slowly, and Lisa scowled at her. "He refused to tell me anything yesterday. What makes you think I can push him any further? I'm afraid the more I push him the more he pulls away."

"Yeah, I guess you're right." Lisa caved sadly. She had finally came to her senses.

"Why don't you just talk to him? Maybe if you express your concern to him yourself then he would see how much you care, and hopefully he will open up to you." She said brightly. Her optimistic side took over a short while. It was a side that had often clashed with Leonard's realist nature.

"I've tried, and he refuses to budge." Lisa told her overwhelmed. Lisa's eyes wandered toward the bar. Her eyes suddenly burned with anger like a wildfire. "But I have other ways of getting answers." She pushed herself up from her chair before Evelyn could stop her.

"N-no...no.... Lisa wait!" But Evelyn's protests were useless. Lisa strutted over to the bar which left Evelyn to rush after her.

Cora stood behind the bar minding her own business. She refilled the man's water glass for the third time. She was quite annoyed with the man. He had been sitting there taking up space for other customers who may need it. Potential customers who tipped well. The man refused to leave as well as he refused to order anything. Instead, he just kept on asking for more and more free water.

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