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"YOU'RE NOT TAKING THIS SERIOUSLY." Evelyn whined. She sat crisscrossed toward the foot of her bed. A childish Leonard sat across from her on her rolling chair. Evelyn had kicked him out so she could study for her upcoming exam (especially since he didn't let her last night after he took it upon himself to the spend the night), but Leonard put up a fight. He tried everything for her to let him stay a little longer. He even used the 'it's safer for you with me around' line to which earned an eye roll. Realizing he wasn't going to give up anytime soon, she caved but on one condition: he'd have to help her study.

However, this arrangement was proven to be a mistake. Leonard refused to take anything she needed from him seriously. It was a simple task. He had to do was just read off the questions from the flashcards. It was so simple even a child could do it, but Leonard kept asking questions that wasn't on the cards. When he did read them correctly, he would present her with answer choices that weren't listed. The brunette was quite frustrated with his lack of help.

"You're taking this too seriously." Leonard retorted with a smug smile.

"The only reason I allowed you to stay was for you to help me. But-" Evelyn had begun.

"Really?" Leonard cut her off with raised eyebrows. "And here I thought it was because of my dashing good looks, and the fact that I'm undoubtedly an incredible kisser."

That remark earned a pillow to his face. "Leo! I need you to please take this seriously." She pleaded with him as she laughed involuntarily. She was a bit mad at herself for allowing herself to laugh at his remark. He had to know she was indeed serious with her studying habits.

"You don't need to study, Evelyn" Leonard told her with an eye roll. "You're an intelligent woman, and I'm a hundred percent sure you already know all of this." Leonard stood to his feet. He took two steps forward and towered over her. "So how about you use this time for something a bit more...." he leaned down more so their faces a were few inches away. Their lips were almost touching. His hand found its way to her thigh. "...productive."

Evelyn smirked at his innuendos. She pretended to think on it. "Nah.." She started with a shake of her head. "I simply can't be bothered." Leonard gave her look, and she bit down on her lip to refrain from laughing at his facial expression. And now it was Leonard's turn to steal a kiss.

Evelyn shifted to her knees breaking the kiss briefly. Leonard's hands grabbed her hips as she cupped his face with her hands then reattached her lips to his. His hands trailed up to her back painfully slow. She had deepened the kiss when they were interrupted by her phone. She broke up the kiss and she could've sworn she heard Leonard growl to himself.

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