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IT'S BEEN NINE MONTHS since the particle accelerator exploded. Nine months since Evelyn saw Leonard. Not to mention, Barry Allen is still in a coma. The world had not been normal since that fatal night. But only one of those things mattered to Evelyn, and it was Barry.

Her whole world came crashing down the moment she learned that Barry had been struck by lightning, and was rushed to the hospital. She couldn't even remember what had happened to her after she received those texts. All she could recall was reading the messages then the next minute she was a bawling mess. She watched in horror as Barry's heart had flatlined. Multiple times.

She blamed herself for what happened to Barry regardless if Joe and Iris told her otherwise countless times. She allowed herself to be consumed with guilt. If only she'd sent Leonard away, and gone to meet up with them as promised. Perhaps then she could've done something to help Barry, and he wouldn't be fighting for his life in a hospital.

Over the months that had passed no progress had been made. The doctors didn't know what was wrong or how to help him. It left Joe, Iris, and Evelyn feeling useless. It wasn't until one afternoon during one of their daily visits that things had changed. He had visitors from those who they'd never thought would make an appearance. They didn't think they cared about those they had harmed that night of the explosion. But the moment Harrison Wells wheeled into Barry's hospital room with his two colleagues, he gave them hope.

He offered—more like insisted—to take Barry back to S.T.A.R. Labs. He promised he would devote all his time and attention to helping Barry wake up. They all agreed that Barry had a better chance in the hands of Harrison Wells since he had equipment that the hospital didn't have. He could perform tests that the doctors weren't able to do. Besides, Evelyn thought they should be the ones to help him since they're the reason Barry is lying unconscious in a hospital bed.  They broke Barry it's only fair that they help fix him.

But still in the hands of Wells Barry was unresponsive. But they made far more progress than the doctors had when she had visited him last in the hospital. Her visits to the hospital at the time became less frequent over time than she had liked, but she had to get back to her normal routines. Life goes on much to their dismay. Life was passing by in a flash while Barry stood still.

"Your usual." Iris beamed as she placed the coffee mug on the table in front of Evelyn. She looked up from her books for the first time since ordering.

"Thanks, Iris." Evelyn breathed out and gave her a smile that didn't quite reach her eyes. She pulled the mug to her lips and took a sip of her much-needed coffee.

"You okay?" Iris asked her worryingly as she wiped her hands that had a tad bit of whipped cream on her apron.

Evelyn nodded hesitantly. She wasn't necessarily okay. She was swamped with work for the past nine months which she doesn't really mind- Barry's health comes first. She was also stressed out with school work since she had gone back to get her doctoral degree. Not to mention, she had constantly been worried about Barry, but she doesn't want to concern Iris with her problems. Iris had enough to deal with when it came to Barry. "Yeah, I'm fine."

𝐖𝐇𝐄𝐍 𝐇𝐄𝐋𝐋 𝐅𝐑𝐄𝐄𝐙𝐄𝐒 𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑| 𝐋.𝐒𝐍𝐀𝐑𝐓 (𝟏)Where stories live. Discover now