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EVELYN SAT AT THE BAR with her head in her hands and a heavy heart. It's been a week since the whole Leonard and Cisco situation, and Evelyn had isolated herself from everyone as much as she could given she had to see Barry at work. But during her time off, she kept to herself and put in all her focus on school. It happened to be a good distraction, but that didn't meant that it stopped her mind from wandering to those overwhelming thoughts. So there she was in a serious need of a drink.

"Evelyn?" Cora said sweetly. Evelyn lifted her head to see the beautiful porcelain red head. She looked surprised to see Evelyn here of all places but a good surprised. She looked happy to see her.

"Hey, Cora." Evelyn said with a forced smile. It wasn't that she wasn't happy to see the bartender, or that she didn't like her because neither of those assumptions were true. She wasn't herself lately nor was she happy with how her life had been either.

Sensing that she was down and in need of a fix, Cora asked "Alright, what can I get you? And it's on the house."

"That obvious, huh?" Evelyn asked with a small smile.

"Well, when you're a bartender you begin to pick up the signs." Cora replied with a smirk.

"Well in that case, I need something strong." Evelyn said, and Cora chuckled to herself thinking about the time they first met. She left to make her drink then returned shortly. Cora slid the drink she had prepared Evelyn's way. Evelyn muttered a thank you before taking a sip of her drink. Her face scrunched up at the taste. She really listened to her request for something strong.

"So what did Leonard do this time?" She took Evelyn by surprised by asking her this. "Oh, come on, it wasn't that hard to piece together." She added after taking notice of the look in Evelyn eyes.

"He was being the bad guy again." Evelyn said with a sad smile.

Cora nodded slowly. "I mean, I love Leonard. He's like a brother to me, but hasn't he always been the quote on quote bad guy?" She asked while she put air quotes on the 'bad guy' part.

"I mean, I guess." She sighed as she stared down at the clear liquid in her glass. She swished it around as she thought to herself. She tried to collect her thoughts. "Maybe, I never noticed back then how wrong it was. You know, I was just living my life on survival mode. But now that I left that life behind and work for the supposed good guys in the eyes of the world, I've become stuck."

"It's just so hard. Lately, I felt like I've been betraying everyone. I want to help everyone, but it's becoming impossible. If I help everyone at S. T. A. R Labs, I'm betraying them for being in contact with Leonard. When he was wanted, I knew exactly where he could be and I didn't say a word. If I did then I would have betrayed Leonard. They all want me to be on their side, but they're making it impossible. I love my friends, and I never want to hurt them." Evelyn paused momentarily then released a shaky breath. "But...also... I think... I love Leonard too. I think... I could be in love with him, but I'm not so sure. I've never felt love before, so I don't know if what I feel for Leonard is that."

𝐖𝐇𝐄𝐍 𝐇𝐄𝐋𝐋 𝐅𝐑𝐄𝐄𝐙𝐄𝐒 𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑| 𝐋.𝐒𝐍𝐀𝐑𝐓 (𝟏)Where stories live. Discover now