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EVELYN STUFFED HER HANDS DEEPER INSIDE THE POCKETS OF HER COAT. The cold night air had finally caught up with her the moment she found the karaoke bar Barry had invited her to. He told her he was there investigating a new meta they called peek-a-boo. She was so close to turning down his offer since she's been feeling down lately, but she could tell by his tone of voice that he needed this more than ever.

"Evelyn!" Barry called out to her the moment he spotted her. She found him waving his hands around by the bar.

"Hey, you okay?" Evelyn asked Barry when she noticed how gloomy he was. She took a seat beside him, and he let out a sigh.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Barry lied straight through his teeth, but Evelyn knew better. "Nothing I can't handle." He added with a smile, and she didn't push him to tell her what was really going on. Although he didn't have too, she knew what the problem was. She knew it revolved around Iris and her relationship with Eddie. It bothered him now more than ever since they took the next step in their relationship by moving in together.

"Uh, Caitlin said she was coming, but I don't know where she is." Barry told her slowly while he searched the crowd.

"How about..." Evelyn trailed off tired of feeling down. "We get some drinks?" She asked him while wiggling her eyebrows. Barry laughed loudly but soon enough agreed. After a brief moment at the bar, they took their drinks and found a table. Together they sat watching a man sing very energetically.

Evelyn's sight drifted toward the side of the stage where the doors were. A smile etched its way on her lips as she spotted Caitlin dressed in a sparkly black dress. Her hair was styled similar to Evelyn's where it was straight but curled at the end. Evelyn elbowed Barry's side.

"Hey." Caitlin said nervously as she met them by the table.

"Hey, Caitlin." Evelyn beamed while Barry just stared at her. His mouth was ajar.

"What?" Caitlin then said a little panicked. Her confidence was slowly crashing down the longer Barry didn't say a thing.  She had started to feel ridiculous.

"What? Nothing. You look really nice." Barry told her honestly, and Caitlin smiled proudly.

"You look beautiful." Evelyn gushed.

"I don't always dress like a high school principal." Caitlin joked as she took a seat beside Barry.

"So, this is where Shawna Baez and Clay Parker used to hang out?" Barry said.

𝐖𝐇𝐄𝐍 𝐇𝐄𝐋𝐋 𝐅𝐑𝐄𝐄𝐙𝐄𝐒 𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑| 𝐋.𝐒𝐍𝐀𝐑𝐓 (𝟏)Where stories live. Discover now