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"SO, DO YOU HAVE A BOYFRIEND?" Lisa pried shamelessly into Iris's top-secret love life, but Iris replied nonetheless with a simple nod. "So, what does he do?" Oddly enough, not even Evelyn knew of this mystery man which bothered her in a way. Iris was always open about her dating life, but recently that hasn't been the case; especially given the fact that Evelyn never knew Iris was seeing anybody.

"Oh, uh, he's, uh-" completely taken off guard by the abrupt question, Iris fumbled with her words. She glanced over at Evelyn who stared down at the drink in front of her as she swirled the liquid around its clear glass with her straw. The same drink that had been there since they walked in while the other two women were halfway done with their second round. "He's a Detective." She finally came clean and Evelyn's head shot up at the news.

She glanced at Iris with arched brows, and Iris simply nodded. "Really?" Lisa said shockingly yet she was impressed all at once.

"Who is this detective?" Evelyn asked.

"Uh, Eddie." Iris responded hesitantly. She was well aware that it would evoke a weird reaction from her friend. Eddie is her fathers partner after all. It also didn't help that she was keeping it a secret from Joe.

"Eddie..." Evelyn said slowly as she straightened up in her seat. "Your dad's partner, Eddie?" She didn't need the clarification for she knew the only Eddie she could possibly be talking about is Detective Thawne. She guessed she was praying she was wrong.

"Oooh, scandalous." Lisa beamed approvingly while she bit down on her straw, and Evelyn sent her a slight glare.

Iris exhaled a deep breath. "Yes, that Eddie." She told Evelyn confidently. Evelyn's eyes widened a bit after Iris's confirmation. "Look, I know it's weird, but I really like him. He's a sweet guy, and he treats me like a queen."

"I wasn't thinking it was weird." She replied in a high-pitched tone. The other girls gave her a look, earning an eye roll from the hazel-eyed brunette. "Okay fine, I find it a little weird, but if you like him then go for it. I mean you already did but well you know..."

"Yeah, yeah, I get it." Iris laughed at Evelyn's typical awkwardness. "But there's one more thing..." She added as she bit down on her bottom lip nervously.

"Okay?" Evelyn replied rather slowly with arched brows. Iris's body language made her far more nervous than she'd like to admit. She already felt uneasy before Iris spoke.

"You can't tell my dad."

Evelyn made the mistake of sipping from her drink for the next minute she was in a coughing fit. "Uh, Iris-"

"I get it." Iris waved off the subject a bit disappointed.

"I'll keep your secret." The words tumbled out of Evelyn's mouth into the air which gained both Lisa and Iris's attention. "It's just difficult for me to get around the idea of keeping something like this from Joe." Evelyn hoped that she would understand where she was coming from. Joe came into her life with good intentions. He gave her the opportunity to be something—to be someone she'd be proud of. He gave her a fresh start. A brand new life. She felt like she was in a way betraying him. But Iris is her friend, and it's not like the subject of Eddie and Iris will come up. It shouldn't come up at all since it's a secret, so it shouldn't be that hard of a secret to keep. Right?

𝐖𝐇𝐄𝐍 𝐇𝐄𝐋𝐋 𝐅𝐑𝐄𝐄𝐙𝐄𝐒 𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑| 𝐋.𝐒𝐍𝐀𝐑𝐓 (𝟏)Where stories live. Discover now