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CENTRAL CITY looked calmer from outside the city. Evelyn sat on the windowsill of Lisa's house, a thin white blanket wrapped around her as she stared mindlessly at the skyscrapers in the distance. Her hands tugged the blanket tighter as the cold air seeped through the closed window. The television was left on the news from the night before, but she didn't pay it any mind. It was merely background noise to her.

"Not that I don't like your presence lingering around, but when are you going home?" Leonard asked her as he waltzed into the guest bedroom. She looked up at him then to his hand that held a coffee mug that was obviously for her. After all, this had been their daily routine for the past three days.

"Trying to get rid of me already?" Evelyn joked as she took the mug from his grip. Her fingers brushed his hand purposely. She didn't know why, but she had been a lot braver with her actions lately.

Leonard smirked at her then sat down in front of her on the edge of the bed. "I tried that once before and yet here you are now. I think we both know that no matter what I do you're still gonna be around. I guess it's the universes way of saying that you're meant to be in my life for whatever reason." He said and she smiled.

"Since when does Leonard Snart believe in destiny or outside forces?" She teased him lightly, but she was still just as curious. He never once believed in the impossible or the idea of fate.

"As much as I hate to say it, but The Flash." He said with an eye roll, and Evelyn laughed. "If something like him is possible then why not fate?"

"Do you really believe that?" Evelyn asked curiously.

Leonard smirked. "Hell no." Evelyn rolled her eyes with a slight smile. She should've known it was too good to be true.

This comfortable silence then took over them. She really needed it. For the past couple of days she couldn't sleep or even think. She had a lot on her mind with everything that had happened since Barry woke up from his coma. She had to deal with her job and school. The constant reminder that her best friend could be killed by this heartless evil speedster who was very much faster than him. And on top of all that, she was hiding her secret run-ins with Leonard from her friends and Joe. It was all too much. Her thoughts couldn't be silenced, and they all kept screaming at her to the point where she couldn't even get a moment of peace. And now with him here, it was almost as if she could finally breath. All her thoughts, doubts, and fears had vanished for the time being.

"Hey, uh, do you remember much of that night?" Leonard asked her randomly. He had been wondering for the past three days now if she remembered anything from her drunken state. And by 'anything', he meant her sudden breakdown about the day they parted ways.

𝐖𝐇𝐄𝐍 𝐇𝐄𝐋𝐋 𝐅𝐑𝐄𝐄𝐙𝐄𝐒 𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑| 𝐋.𝐒𝐍𝐀𝐑𝐓 (𝟏)Where stories live. Discover now