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"IT'S NICE TO SEE YOU AGAIN, Evelyn. I think it's time you and I have our little chat, and it's long overdue." Lewis Snart stood to his feet with his usual wicked grin. Evelyn closed the door with her foot despite her natural extinct to bolt. She knew that Lewis was a smart man. He may not be as smart as his son, but he wouldn't have broken into her apartment knowing how much this girl meant to Leonard without having a well thought-out plan. He would have thought of the idea of her running out the door, so she knew he would have his men all in and around the building.

"You need to leave, now." Evelyn ordered him strongly. He took a small step forward, and she ran for the kitchen. Knowing her place like the back of her hand, she pulled out the biggest blade she owned and pointed it at him. She dared him to come any closer.

"Now, now, let's not do anything we might regret. I'm not here to pick a fight. I'm just here to talk." Lewis told her while he raised his hands to his chest. His eyes shined with pure amusement.

Evelyn knew better than to let her guard down. He may claim he was here to chat, but she knew he came here to threaten her for whatever insane reason that spun around in that head of his. But she didn't run to the kitchen just for a weapon in case he decided to play himself, she needed to put space between the two. She needed her kitchen counter to hide the fact that she discretely dialed Leonard's number. She waited impatiently for him to answer the phone.

"Evelyn, to what do I owe this spontaneous pleasure?" She faintly heard his smug voice, and thankfully Lewis couldn't hear his son's voice due to the distance. Evelyn slowly placed the phone on the counter face down to avoid any noise. She also made sure that she didn't leave the phone out in plain sight.

"What do you want to talk to me about Lewis?" Evelyn asked him. She made sure to say Lewis's name clearly so Leonard could hear.

"You know, I was curious about you from the moment I first saw you at The Garden." Lewis replied. His hands were crossed over his chest. The emotion in his eyes were hard to read. "My son has never taken a liking to anyone. Never felt like he deserved it. I guess, I played a part in that, but I wanted to know more about the woman who has stolen my sons heart."

"There's nothing romantic between Leonard and I. It's strictly platonic. It's only business." Evelyn lied as she silently prayed that it was convincing. She hoped that he would believe her and realize that she had nothing to offer him. Maybe then he would simply leave and never bother her again, but she knew that was unrealistic.

"See, I would love to believe that. I really do, but I did some digging. I asked around about you, and you wouldn't believe all the things you can find out when you ask the right people." His oddly warm tone had now shifted into one that was rather cold and menacing.

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