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Within the first few weeks since the series of unfortunate events that took place and plagued the hearts of many, Central City witnessed a tremendous amount of rain fall to match with its heartbreak. Many believed that the sky cried and mourned those who they had lost. It rained for the tragic hero, Eddie Thawne, who that same night took his own life to save those who he loved. Despite what he was told, he earned his rightful spot in history. It rained for Ronnie Raymond—the other half of firestorm—who sacrificed his life and happiness to save all of central city, so that his friends and wife could go on living. It came down for those innocent souls who became collateral damage in Lewis's final lesson to his son in that doomed apartment building. But it poured for the quirky and pure hearted forensic scientist, who became a pawn in an unspoken family war.

It had been six months since Evelyn Sutton was killed by those explosives Lewis had showed off to Leonard at The Garden. Barry Allen had dealt with enough loss for one person then to add another friend to the list was enough to push him over the edge. He distanced himself from everyone for months. Although he had nothing to do with the tragic loss of his best friend, he still blamed himself. He told himself that maybe if he wasn't so caught up in his own problems then he would've been there for her. He would've have seen the red flags and the warning signs. He could have saved her. Evelyn, however, would disagree. She knew that if he could've, he would've have saved her.

The absence of her lingered with those who knew her. Even the smallest things. Every time Joe West would enter Barry's lab, he would place a hand on her old desk. And no matter how many times he's told, Joe refused to let anyone touch her things or clean out her desk. It remained exactly how she left it upon his request. At least then they could pretend she was still around. Iris West would smile and think of her coffee addiction every time she'd step foot inside of Jitters. She would order her signature caramel iced coffee every Saturday. It was something small and simple, but it was enough to keep her memory alive.

Lisa Snart kept every keepsake from their past. A necklace with an emerald dangling at the end of the chain that Evelyn stole for her years ago. She said she thought of her the minute she laid her eyes on it, and now the same could be said about Evelyn every time Lisa saw the necklace. The day Evelyn left the rogues, Lisa never thought she would see the woman who had become like a sister to her ever again. So, she now cherished every single moment the two had shared from the moment she reappeared back in her life. Even Mick, who claimed he never cared for anyone felt the heavy weight and burden of loss. His drinking habits had worsened as a result.

But eventually, Central City went back to its normal routine. People mourned then carried on with life that unfortunately never stopped turning no matter how much at times we pleaded for a break. For a single moment, just to catch our breath. So life went on, people moved forward, the sun rose and set on a continuous loop, but people will never know that the selfless Evelyn Sutton no longer walked beside them. Central City never got to know her or her name, so no one really cared.

She'll forever be known as the woman who died in an explosion and nothing else. But to those who knew her, she would go down in history as the woman who loved strongly and deeply. She was proof that it is possible to change your life around for the better. She touched the lives of everyone she met, and she'll live forever through them. She will live through their memories of her because she was only a memory now.

Leonard Snart had been MIA for months. He dropped all connections. He left Central City. He ceased all contact with known associates and even with his sister and Mick. His own father couldn't track him. It was like he dropped off the face of the earth, but he needed to disappear. He needed to mourn her properly without any kinds of distractions. So, he hid in a neighboring city and cried, screamed, and destroyed anything he could get his hands on.

He blamed his father, his family, but mainly himself for what happened to her. He knew he had a curse of ruining everything he touched that was why he pushed her away for years. But he loved her—and she loved him—so he allowed himself to be selfish just this once. Look how that turned out. He shouldn't have been so selfish. He couldn't afford to be selfish...not with her. However, Leonard Snart got his revenge.

A month after he returned back to Central City, he managed to get himself back into the life of crime. It was the only thing he knew best. When word got around that the infamous Captain Cold was back in town, Lewis made his final mistake. Lewis placed an explosive tech inside the head of Lisa Snart, and he blackmailed Leonard into helping him with his heists. Turning to The Flash, Lisa sought him out for help. Once Cisco saved Lisa's life, Leonard kept his promise and killed Lewis. He drove ice through his father's cold heart just like he said he would do that day at The Garden. Leonard Snart always kept his word.

But Barry Allen never gave up on Snart. After all the time that had passed, he became a friend. And although he would never say it, Leonard felt the same. Barry fought hard to get Leonard to see himself the way Evelyn did. Leonard, though again he would never admit, he was grateful and appreciated the scarlet speedster for trying to keep Evelyn's beliefs alive. He made a promise to himself and to Evelyn that he would make her proud. He vowed he would at least try to be a better man. To be a hero. He had to honor Evelyn somehow.

Maybe that's why months later, when he ended up on a roof with eight other nobodies and a time traveling Brit in trench coat talking about how they're destined to save the world, he couldn't seem to shake the idea.


The second part and the authors note should be up soon. I had decided to add 2 endings that way you guys can pick which one you accept.

However... I am writing a sorta sequel that follows the 2nd epilogue which should be up sometime this week. See you guys then 🤍

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