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TODAY THUS FAR has been pretty calm. Well, apart from finding out that Barry's latest criminal was her ex-partner. Her mind, however, did not forget to remind her that by the end of the day things will take quite the turn. It always does. She can never have a peaceful day.

"Wanna another?" Iris asked her from behind the counter at Jitters. Evelyn left Barry back at their Lab with the woman from Starling City a while ago to come here to study for her final. She had been sitting at the counter with her head buried in her books. "You look like you could use it. My treat."

"Sure." She replied softly. Iris flashed her a quick smile before she hurried off to make her another caramel iced coffee.

Iris finished her masterpiece and topped it off with whipped cream. She couldn't help but roll her eyes as she found her best friend highlighting a whole paragraph of notes. About twenty minutes ago, she checked on Evelyn and told her to take a small break since she had been at it for hours. After a couple of minutes of arm twisting, she finally agreed; but the minute Iris turned her back she went straight into her study routine.

"Here." She said with a smirk as she placed the coffee in front of Evelyn. Distracted by her highlighting, Evelyn muttered a quick thank you.

"Remember that break you said you'd take?" Iris asked her sarcastically. Evelyn chuckled to herself.

"I know, I'm sorry, but-" her phone dinged before she could offer Iris another lame excuse. Her heart tightened in her chest upon reading the name of the owner of the text.

"Who's Lisa?" Iris asked her with a scrunched nose.

"Uh, a friend from my days in foster care. My only friend from foster care actually." Evelyn lied smoothly. She had to admit, she was pretty proud of herself for coming up with that lie on the spot.

"Oh..." Iris said with a small frown. She believed her lie, so that earned Evelyn a mental pat on the back.

Evelyn unlocked her phone to read the message from the girl from her past. 'Meet me at the bakery around the corner from the Central City's Museum. We need to talk.'

"I gotta go." Evelyn told Iris as she had begun shoving her books into her bag. Her brain screamed at her. It begged her to ignore the message. She knew nothing good will come from this meeting, but Evelyn had so many questions that needed answering. Questions like: when did Lisa get her number? Well, more like when at the club did Lisa took her phone and added her number?

"Is everything okay?" Iris asked her. She was concerned about Evelyn's sudden rush to leave. Iris walked out from behind the counter to join her.

𝐖𝐇𝐄𝐍 𝐇𝐄𝐋𝐋 𝐅𝐑𝐄𝐄𝐙𝐄𝐒 𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑| 𝐋.𝐒𝐍𝐀𝐑𝐓 (𝟏)Where stories live. Discover now