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THE ROOM WAS DIM. The only light came from the slow sunrise that seeped through the window. The brunette tapped her knuckles twice against the open cherrywood door announcing her arrival to the man behind the desk. He was so old she was worried that if she just waltzed right in uninvited he'd drop dead from a heart attack.

The man looked up from the stack of papers he was sorting through. His round-framed glasses rested on the end of his nose. She wondered how he was able to even read a damn thing in the dark. His grey hair was gelled back, oddly matching the color of his crisped suit. "Ah, just the woman I've been wanting to see." The man said cheerfully.

"Rufus," Evelyn said flatly. She wasn't necessarily a people person, especially when it came to business. She wants to expand her business relations not make friends.

"Evelyn." He told her, gesturing with his hands to the open armchair directly in front of him.

Evelyn entered Rufus's office slowly. She took a seat on the chair crossing her right leg over her left. Rufus and Evelyn engage in a stare-down, which she's used to. All of her clients like to challenge her. It's a natural thing in this line of work. They're just simply testing her to see if she has a backbone. They're trying to see if she had the guts to get the job done. They need to see if she's a fighter or a quitter.

Upon realizing that she was in no way going to back down, Rufus gave her a toothy smile. "So I've heard a lot of things about you." He began, and Evelyn snorted.

"I'm famous?" She retorted sarcastically.

"Of course." The man chuckled. "You came out of nowhere, giving other well known criminals a run for their money. They're even calling you the storm, you appear out of nowhere, cause nothing but destruction in your wake, and you vanish just as fast you came." Evelyn smirked at this information. She found it a bit ridiculous if she was being honest.

"That's what they're calling me?" Evelyn asked him slightly unimpressed with the nickname. She tilted her head slightly as she wore an amused smile.

"Well, what else did you have in mind?" The man asked with a smirk.

"I don't know." She shrugged nonchalantly. "I often get the whole foxface thing, but I'd like to think I'm not dumb enough to eat anything out in the wilderness that I don't know."

"I like to think the same..." The man trailed off as he sunk back into his chair.

Evelyn sighed in annoyance. "How about we cut to the chase 'cause I'm growing bored of all this small talk." The man's eyes widened at the shock of her audacity to speak to him in such a manner. He's never had anyone show him this kind of disrespect. He was both annoyed yet mildly impressed by her moxie.

𝐖𝐇𝐄𝐍 𝐇𝐄𝐋𝐋 𝐅𝐑𝐄𝐄𝐙𝐄𝐒 𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑| 𝐋.𝐒𝐍𝐀𝐑𝐓 (𝟏)Where stories live. Discover now