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EVELYN WALKED UP THE PATHWAY that lead to the front door. She did what Lisa wished, and she came alone to the address she had left for her. But Evelyn still didn't know what Lisa needed to speak to her about. They haven't talked in weeks since she helped Cora and Leonard lie about Lewis's sudden desire to reach out to Leonard.

Evelyn hesitantly knocked on the cherry wood door. There was a brief silence on the other end until she heard heavy footsteps headed her way. The door soon swung open, and they were met with a confused Evelyn. "Leonard?!" Evelyn said mouth a jar. She just saw him an hour ago being shoved into a van to be escorted to Iron Heights. Now, here he stood out of that distasteful jumpsuit and into his usual attire. He was cuff free and sported his signature smirk.

"Nice necklace." He replied with a hint of humor in his eyes. Evelyn rolled her eyes then walked passed him without a word. "Sure. Come on in."

Evelyn went further into the house with Leonard following close behind her. She stopped in the entry way of the living room. She soon felt Leonard's presence towering over her petite figure. "Where's Lisa? She texted me saying she needed to speak to me."

"She's upstairs." He said as he walked passed her. His hand brushed hers while he did so.

Evelyn watched him as he shrugged off his leather jacket leaving him in a black long sleeved shirt that hugged his biceps nicely. Evelyn forced herself to look away. He sat down on the couch purposely staring at her knowing fully well that it'll make her a bit uncomfortable. "How are you even here right now?" Evelyn asked him in disbelief.

"What do you mean? I currently live here. For now that is." Leonard replied purposely playing stupid just to get on the brunettes nerves.

"You know what I mean." She said as she glared at him. She was still upset with him after everything he did. Not only did he kidnap Caitlin for his own personal gain, but he almost killed Barry. "Last time I saw you,  you were on your way to Iron Heights."

"I decided I didn't feel like going anymore." Leonard answered nonchalantly. As if that was how it worked Evelyn thought to herself.

"Look, I don't know why you're so surprised. You know me. I always think five steps ahead. I have a plan in motion for every possible outcome." Leonard said, and Evelyn couldn't argue because it was the truth.

"There you are!" Lisa called out to Evelyn as she hurried down the steps behind the couch where Leonard sat. Lisa sent a smile at her big brother who returned it effortlessly.

"Yep, I'm here ." Evelyn answered. There was hint of tension in her voice. Lisa could tell she was annoyed. "You wanted to speak to me?"

Lisa's smiled forcefully which made Evelyn question what was really going on. "Yes, I do. Uh, Lenny, could you leave us two beautiful women alone for a little while?" She said with her usual playful yet charming tone.

Leonard smirked to himself. "What's so important that I gotta leave the room?" He questioned his baby sister. He wanted to get under her skin which he so easily knew how to do since he did raised her; but he was also curious as to what was so urgent and secretive that Lisa couldn't say in front of him.

Lisa smirked. "If you must know, I have to talk to her about a lady situation. So if you want to stay, then be my guest."

Leonard raised his brows. "On second thought, I'm gonna check on Mick. He's been a tad bit too quiet in the basement..." He couldn't get out of there fast enough. Evelyn laughed as he hurried out of the living room.

Lisa's smile then dropped, and Evelyn frowned at the sight. "Is everything okay?"

"I don't know you tell me." Lisa said disappointedly as she crossed her arms. Evelyn grew uncomfortable under her intense stare down.

"I-I don't understand..." Evelyn told her truthfully. Lisa sighed heavily. Her hands fell at her sides.

"I know you've been lying to me." She said clearly hurt that Evelyn joined in on the idea of keeping her in the dark. Lisa felt she had the right to know anything when it came to her father. "He's my father. I deserve to know the truth, especially after everything he put me through. And he put me through hell." Lisa added with a pout.

"Look, I can explain okay." Evelyn said as she took a seat on the couch. She patted the empty space next to her. Lisa debated with herself whether or not to sit and listen. But she went against her pride and decided to get the answers she's been craving for months now.

Evelyn came clean about everything she knew. She told her about Lewis's empty threats, and about how he wanted Leonard to join his crew. She filled her in on that night at The Garden. She spoke of those crazy explosive tech her father paid some man to make for him. She told her everything. She was well aware of the huge weight that had been lifted off her shoulders. It felt good not having to feel guilty about lying to Lisa anymore. Although, she lied for a good reason. Reason being they didn't want Lisa hurt or caught in the crossfire in case things had escalated. But at the end of the day, Lisa had every right to know what the three of them had been discussing behind closed doors.

"I can't believe you guys kept something like this from me." Lisa whined as she stood to her feet.

"What did you expect us to do?" Evelyn asked her honestly. She wanted to know what Lisa exactly thought she could've done.

"Let me help." Lisa said like it was the obvious choice, and maybe it was. "I'm stronger than you guys think. I'm more than capable of taking care of myself. And I wish Lenny would stop seeing me as that fragile girl he had to shield from my father's rage."

"And I'm sure you can but..." Evelyn said slowly as she stood to her feet. "Maybe you should take this up with Leo? He was the one who didn't want you involved in this mess."

Lisa then smiled mischievously. "You're right. I should take this up with Lenny.."

"Take what up with Lenny?" Leonard asked curiously with raised brows as he entered the living room with Mick who was stuffing his face with Lays potato chips.

Leonard looked between the girls and waited for one to speak. Evelyn just stood there with a nervous expression like she just got caught doing something she wasn't supposed to. Whereas Lisa had the biggest smirk he had ever seen. He knew he was in some deep waters. "Evelyn, could you please leave me to speak with Lenny?"

What Evelyn really wanted to do was bolt out that door, but instead she nodded her head sheepishly. "Of course. I-I'll talk to you later.." And so she left Lisa behind to guilt her brother into letting her in on the family business.


This chapter was VERY short & not my best.

But it was a filler chapter & I wanted to get something out for y'all who read this.

The next one should be waaay better. I promise.

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