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LEWIS SNART STOOD TALL. He wore a wicked grin that almost seem to never leave his face. The man had attracted a crowd as he babbled on about this new weapon in his possession. He went on and on about what it could do, how you used it, and the catastrophic damage it would unleash. Loving to hear himself talk along with his need to feel superior, he failed to see the trouble headed his way.

Leonard pushed through the crowd as dragged Evelyn with him. He was in a rush to get the hell out of there. He didn't particularly want to speak with his father, but Lewis had to get the message somehow. Neither him or Lisa wanted anything to do with Lewis, and since it seemed that he had not been able to comprehend the idea over the phone or through written word, Leonard thought what would be a better way to drill it into his old man's thick skull than in person.

His steps had become quicker the closer they reached Lewis. Snart bumped into people's shoulders and shoved those who had got in his way without so much as a second thought. He received glares from the other criminals, and Evelyn sent them smiles as a form of an apology for Leonard's actions. She was thankful that he was still holding on to her hand, because if he hadn't been she would've lost him in the crowd a long while ago.

They arrived in time to only hear the end of Lewis's conversation. "Trust me boys, I won't ever let you down." Lewis said to the men surrounding him. They were all very much intrigued with whatever Lewis had promised them.

"Careful, I wouldn't be too quick to believe him just yet if I were you." Leonard cut in. He directed his gaze toward the men before his sight finally landed upon his father. "I once heard those exact same words."

Lewis stared at his son in bewilderment. He was a bit stunned for words. "Things didn't exactly turn out like he said they would." Leonard added while he smirked.

A grin slowly appeared on Lewis's face. It was a grin that sent chills through Evelyn's body. "Ah, Leonard, I wasn't expecting to see you here tonight." His sight then traveled from his son's face to the young woman beside him whose hand was intertwined tightly with Leonard's.

"Who's this?" Lewis asked him curiously. He never saw Leonard this close with anyone before. His eyes never wavered from the pair in the thick silence. Evelyn tensed up at the unwanted attention he brought on her. The other men in the room turned their gaze on her the minute Lewis announced her presence. She was happy before when she just simply blended in with those around her, and now she felt uncomfortable under their intense gaze. The smirks and mischievous smiles she had received made her stomach turn.

Leonard gently tugged her behind him slightly in an endeavor to shield her from not only his father but the wandering eyes of others. "None of your concern." Leonard said with a shrug. He then fixed everyone with an icy glare daring them to cross the line.

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