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"SECOND ROBBERY this week. The teller I.D'd Clyde Mardon as the shooter." Joe West told his partner as they exited the bank and moved towards the street.

"What?" Detective Chyre exclaimed in disbelief as he tilted his head a bit to the side. "Oh jeez, the Mardon Brothers are back?"

Before Joe could comment on his partner's last remark, Captain Singh stepped into the scene. "What do we got?" The captain asked them as Joe passed him the printed mugshots of the Mardon Brothers.

"Perps took the bank, shot out the camera, and as a chaser, killed the security guard over there." Joe explained as the captain studied the pictures then the dead body that is now covered. "I've got unis kicking in the doors of known Mardon Brothers associates."

"CSI been over it?" Singh asked Joe with his back turned. Sensing Joe's hesitation he glanced around the crime scene to find one half of the duo. Evelyn Sutton had occupied herself with studying the pavement around her.

"Uh, they just got on it but uh—" Joe finally begun to answer the captain's question once he knew he was going to spot what was missing.

"Sutton." The captain turned to the brunette that knelt in front of the crime scene. She had been examining the tire tracks that were left behind by the getaway car. She wished that Barry were here to help determine what car this was. He always had a gift at guessing the accurate answer from things like car tracks to murder weapons. Normally, this wouldn't be too much of a struggle but cars were never her expertise. "Where's Allen?"

"Huh?" Evelyn peeked up at the sound of her name. She subtly sent glances to Joe praying he'd step in, but even he was lost for words. Although, it wasn't necessarily Joe's fault for not coming up with a clever excuse for the boy who was like a son to him. When it came to someone who's constantly late, you tend to run out of excuses. And Barry Allen has exhausted all the excuses in the world.

"Where's Allen?" He repeated himself rolling his eyes upon seeing her dumbfounded expression. "Allen? Your partner? Barry?" He elaborated losing all the patience in his voice.

"Oh! Uh—" The captain growing irritated cut her off before she can continue with her response that was indeed going nowhere, so she wasn't in no way complaining.

"You guys can't keep covering for him." He scolded Joe and Evelyn. His eyes going back and forth between the two. "If he's not here now, I'm gonna have to carry on this investigation without him."

As if he was psychic, Barry appeared right on time next to Joe. Any second later and he'd be off the case. "Sorry I'm late, Captain Singh." He greeted the captain with his overused and vague apology.

"What was is it this time, Mr. Allen?" Captain Singh asked Barry clearly annoyed with his constant tardiness. "Did you forget to set your alarm clock?" He added sarcastically.

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