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EVELYN PLOPPED DOWN on the couch with a heavy sigh. It's been one hell of a week, and now it's Friday night which meant this long week is over. But of course the sleepless nights, the slight pounding of her head, and the aching of her feet was worth it in the end. They had just pulled off the biggest heist of the year. So the six months of planning turned out successful in the end.

She unstrapped her heels and tossed them across the room. She then sunk back into the couch with a relieved smile on her face. Her boss had came back from wherever he had disappeared too earlier. He sat down beside his partner without a word. A smirk on his face, and Evelyn could tell he was happy with the outcome of today.

He was in a good mood which was good for everyone who worked for him. It meant there was about an eighty percent chance he'd snap at you for doing something as small as asking him how his week had gone. Which has happened in the past. Evelyn swore she thought the man was gonna cry at Leonard's outburst that day. It was actually really funny to watch.

Evelyn let out a dramatic surprised gasp. Her sight fell on the two bottles of beer in his hand. "Is one of those for me?" She asked him while she placed a hand on her chest. Leonard rolled his eyes and extended the bottle out for her to take. She giggled softly as she took it out of his hand. "What's the occasion?"

"We're celebrating." He told her before he took a swig of his drink.

Evelyn glanced around the room. "Where's the rest of the team?" It was pretty quiet tonight which was slightly unusual. However, her boss seemed unfazed.

Leonard shrugged with a bored look on his face. "Who the hell knows or cares."

She simply nodded before they were engulfed in a comfortable silence. The two of them always had this dynamic where they never have to utter a word when in each other presence. Just being in each other's company for some reason brought them comfort. Evelyn begun to study him discretely. Well, as discretely as she could, but he was clearly aware despite her efforts. He just always had eyes like a hawk. Nothing ever passed him. He was trained to be very observant from a young age. One of the only perks of not having a real childhood.

"You're staring." He said drily studying his drink, and she sat up straight from her previous slouched position.

"I was just thinking..." she paused momentarily when his blue eyes landed on her. "Now that the job is done, this is usually the part where you disappear for six months."

"Yup." He answered then a smirk took over his lips. "Why? Are you sad to see me go?" He teased earning a scoff from the brunette beauty beside him.

"You wish." She placed the beer she had only taken a few sips from on the coffee table. "I was just wondering when you were gonna give me my cut from today's job." Leonard let out a breathy chuckle.

"Is that so?" Evelyn was very aware of the now little space between them. She could hear the seductive tone in his voice, and she was pretty sure her tone mimicked his. But this was the usual for them. They always had this flirtatious banter going on between them. Others had picked up on it too overtime. Some people thought the two were secretly involved, and had the audacity to say that that's why she was still around.

Some even said she had special treatment which wasn't the case at all. Leonard kept her around because unlike half of the men in his crew, she actually knew how to get things done correctly and efficiently. One man had quite the pair to tell him this to his face. It ended with Snart breaking his hand. He never spoke out again.

She hummed in response. "I'm running out of makeup, and it ain't cheap. It takes a lot to look this decent everyday." She joked, pointing to her face.

"Nah." He waved off her statement. "I think you look fine without it." She couldn't help but notice that even though he was playing along there was still a hint of sincerity in his tone.

"Yeah?" She asked with a grin. She didn't know who had leaned in first, but when her hazel eyes met his blues it kept her locked in. His sight drifted down to her lips momentarily before quickly meeting her eyes once more. It was so quick that if she wasn't so captivated she probably would've missed it.

She never knew she held deep feelings for whom she seen as the closest thing to a best friend. This odd, nerve wracking, yet exciting feeling all of the sudden rose to the surface, and she wasn't sure if she liked it or not. But all she knew was for whatever reason she wanted him to make the move already.

He smirked momentarily before pressing his lips against hers. The kiss was slow and erupted butterflies within her stomach. Whatever the hell that was between the two for the first time felt right. They both had their own share of fears, issues, monsters in their realities and minds. But it was like they were able to silence each other's demons with such a simple yet powerful action. He made all the questions she had conjured up a few minutes prior crystal clear. She wanted him. All of him. His sins. His demons. The good and the bad. His past, present, and future.

His hand made its way to her hips and pulled her closer. Evelyn's hand gently grabbed his face, deepening the kiss, and setting what he could describe as a jolt of electricity right through him. And it wasn't until this move, that he had managed to get inside his own head. That voice that told him that he doesn't deserve something as precious as her made an unwanted appearance. That same voice warned him that he'll just ruin her like he does everything else. He pulled back so quickly that it took Evelyn by surprise. He turned himself away from her. His eyes finding the table far more interesting than her.

He cleared his throat. "I should check up on Mick. He's been too quiet. For all I know he's about to burn the house down."

"Okay..." She said meekly. He hesitated briefly before walking away. She didn't know what was going on in that complicated head of his. She was beginning to feel like she overstepped. Beginning to feel like she had done something wrong. And her question was never answered for the next day and the weeks after that, he never brought up their kiss once. He acted as if it never had happened. He treated her normally, so normal that she could begin to believe it was all a dream. The only thing she had as proof that it happened was the feeling in her stomach when he looked at her.

A feeling that she had to force herself to bury again for years.


Sorry for this being short and probably not my best work.

But this was their actual first kiss 💁🏻‍♀️😂

Love y'all! Bye!

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