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IT WAS HER SECOND CHANCE. A new beginning. Another shot at the life she had always wanted, but it never felt obtainable until now. Besides, even if she didn't want to accept the offer they had so kindly given her, she would have been stupid to decline. It was her way out...her escape. So with her head held high and a pang in her chest, she shook his hand and made off into the cold night to keep her end.

It was a simple task for Detective West, but it was far more complicated for Evelyn Sutton. It was a compromise he already had in mind upon reading up on her through the CCPD database; Although, at first he wasn't completely set on the idea. He was still playing the game of what if's as well as mentally going over his pros and cons list. It wasn't until she was escorted into the interrogation room that the idea had stuck.

There she was sitting across from him in all black. Her long, brown hair was tied up and out of her face, and her eyes downcast finding the plain gray tile far more interesting than his face. The awkward silence and the tension swirling around the dimly lit room were too unbearable for the detective. He cleared his throat, noise for the first time bouncing off the white walls. She looked up. Her hazel eyes met his chocolate brown. In an instant, all the questions he had gone over were pushed back deep within his subconscious and replaced with something different entirely.

Her eyes were dull but he always could see past the surface. The ability to see what lay behind the eyes. Others thought that this particular gift came with years of experience as a cop, but he would argue that it was a skill he perfected over the years by being a parent. He peeled back each layer until all the lies she guarded herself up with were gone leaving nothing but the truth in its place. It was then that he saw her...the real her. He couldn't quite decipher why, but when he looked at Evelyn he saw Iris. He saw the potential that radiated off of her. He knew that she was wasting her time and her life on being a petty thief. She could be so much more. She could do so much more. The world would be a little better if Evelyn Sutton used her skills for something practical and moral. She could do some good for this city.

Detective West threw his offer on the table. She wouldn't have to do any time in Iron Heights, and in exchange, she'd have to leave her so-called family behind and turn her life around. Of course, she wouldn't get off completely cleared she'd still have to do some kind of community service. But hey, picking up garbage on the side of the road is far better than a jail cell especially given the time she was supposed to serve.

Joe told himself he was merely doing it if it meant it was one less criminal he had to worry about. In reality, he was doing it for the sake of his kids. If it was Iris or Barry, he'd want someone looking out for them. Even though they were old enough to make their own decisions, he'd still feel a lot better knowing that there could be someone out there that would intervene and make it their business to help steer them back in the right direction.

𝐖𝐇𝐄𝐍 𝐇𝐄𝐋𝐋 𝐅𝐑𝐄𝐄𝐙𝐄𝐒 𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑| 𝐋.𝐒𝐍𝐀𝐑𝐓 (𝟏)Where stories live. Discover now