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So I know some of you are mad and sad with how I ended this book. And you want to know why I ended it this way, but I want you guys to know that this was always the plan. I had this book planned out from the beginning, from the moment I started this series. I sat down and planned everything out, and I couldn't see it ending any other way.

The whole story was about Leonard and Evelyn. It was about how Evelyn saw the best in Leonard, and about how she knew he could be a hero. Her dying made sense to me. It gave him the push to join Rip Hunter and the other legends. Also whether we like it or not, Leonard ended up sacrificing his life for his friends in the end anyway. And no matter how much I hated that, he died a hero and an honorable death so I wasn't going to change that.

But this book isn't necessarily over just yet. From time to time, I will post chapters that took place during the story or from times when Evelyn was a rogue. So keep this book in your library, and keep an eye out for those if you're not pissed at me and actually want to.

But I want to say thank you and express my gratitude to those who took the time out to read, comment, and vote on this book. For someone who struggles with insecurities, especially when it comes to my writing, it truly means so much to me. Thank you for all your dedication! I promise you it didn't and will not go on unnoticed! I appreciate all of it! So I can't stress this enough! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I love y'all so much! You guys became like friends to me, and I can't wait share all my other works with y'all.

So again thank you guys for everything!

*update 8/9/22*

There's now two epilogues so the readers can decide which one they'd like or they both can be cannon if that's what you'd like too.

The second epilogue will tie into the sequel centered around their daughter and the first season of LOT.

the sequel should be published soon.

I hope you guys will check it out but if not that's perfectly fine too.

Thank you guys again for all the love you've given this story and character. It seriously means a lot.

Until next time lovelies 🤍

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