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"I'M REALLY EXCITED ABOUT TONIGHT." Iris said on the other line.

"Me too." Evelyn hummed in agreement. She stood in front of her full-length mirror. She examined her outfit and they way her body looked in it. She scrunched her nose at her appearance. She wasn't sure she liked how she looked. She was wearing a tight, short, black dress that hugged her curves with nude heels. The dress was too short for her liking, but Iris insisted she wore it. Her hair flowed straight past her shoulders and curled at the ends.

"After yesterday, we really need this." Iris said dryly, and Evelyn nodded in response, although Iris could not see. After her long class today, and the whole incident with Clyde Mardon yesterday they did need a night out.

"Maybe we should invite Barry?" Evelyn said as more as a suggestion. "I mean, I know we haven't had a girl's night in a long time-" Iris hummed to this on the phone. "But he went through a lot yesterday, well more like for months. You know?" She felt really bad for him. He has had the worse luck with his mother dying, his dad in jail, the whole coma thing, and now the argument he had with Joe the other day. Her class had ended up getting canceled yesterday, so she accidentally witnessed the whole fight along with the Mardon Brother incident.

"I was already ahead of ya." Iris said. "I invited him this afternoon, but he said he had things to do so."

"That's too bad." Evelyn replied with a sad smile. "Hey, where are you?" She asked her when she heard cars beeping on the other end.

"I'm heading to your apartment." She said like it was obvious.

"You're walking?" Evelyn asked astounded with her choice of transportation. She was crazy for walking by herself late at night especially with the way Central City has been lately. This city was not as safe as it used to be. It hadn't been since the particle accelerator.

"Yes." Iris said casually.

Evelyn sucked her teeth. "Iris! It's not safe." She scolded her best friend.

"You don't live that far." Iris laughed. "And if it makes you feel better the streets are pretty full tonight. That and I'm almost there. Does that help?"

"A little, yes" Evelyn said with a smirk.

"You ready?" She asked her. Evelyn looked at herself once more before groaning.

"Yeah." She said flatly. She doesn't particularly like how she looked, but she gave up trying. The outfit she was currently wearing was the third outfit she tried on, and she wasn't in the mood to change again. But let's face it, if she kept this up she'd end up staying in.

"Great. I'll see you soon." Iris said then hung up the phone.

With one last glance, Evelyn forced herself to walk away from the mirror. She headed to the living room shortly after. She put her phone in her bag when there was a knock at her door. She was honestly surprised that Iris got there that fast. "Coming, Iris!" She called out to her, and she knocked again.

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