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EVELYN WATCHED IN SILENCE as the buildings flashed by. Her head rested on the headrest in the back seat of Leonard's car. They've been driving for twenty minutes, and no one had bothered to fill her in on the plan. They were getting closer to The Garden now, and she doesn't know what she was supposed to do when they got there. She hated heading into a situation blind.

"What's up with you?" Leonard asked her annoyed the minute she let out a frustrated groan.

"We're almost at The Garden." Evelyn said. "So when are you gonna let me in on what we're gonna do?" Leonard sighed, and Evelyn leaned forward. Each of her arms hung on the back of both Leonard's and Mick's seats. "I mean, you do have a plan right?"

"Of course, we have a plan." Mick growled.

Evelyn turned to Leonard for clarification on Mick's claim. "Do you actually have a plan?"

"Mick told you we have a plan. Why ask again?" He asked blandly.

"Well, incase you haven't noticed, Mick is a bit intoxicated." Evelyn replied sarcastically. Anyone with eyes could see that Mick is smashed. He was sunken back in the passenger seat. His head rested against the window with his hand on his face. Low and slightly inaudible mumbles could be heard falling from his lips.

"Of course, I've noticed. Why do you think he's not the one driving? If I'm gonna die, I rather it be on my terms and not because of a drunken idiot." Leonard told her. His words were obviously meant to be humorous, but there was a hint of truth to it. Evelyn nodded but a smirk slowly creeped on her face.

"Can you imagine it?" Evelyn asked him and Leonard raised a brow. "Leonard Snart: Central City's most wanted, skilled thief, died in a car accident." Evelyn chuckled as she watched Leonard struggle to keep a straight face.

Leonard finally broke. A smirk found its way on his face. "It would be an insult to my own name." He replied.

"Nah, I mean, there could be worse ways to go." She said.

"Yeah, I guess you're right." He said then remained silent for a moment. Evelyn could tell he was collecting his thoughts, so she waited before saying anything else. This was kind of odd to her. It's been years, yet they were able to act as if no time had passed. She found it actually nice for them to talk like nothing had changed between them.

"I could dedicate my whole life to something people see as not ideal and then go out a hero. Now that, that is worse." Leonard spoke again, chuckling to himself.

Evelyn rolled her eyes. "I don't think dying a hero is a bad thing. In fact I rather you did go out a hero than die for nothing. I mean, wouldn't you?"

𝐖𝐇𝐄𝐍 𝐇𝐄𝐋𝐋 𝐅𝐑𝐄𝐄𝐙𝐄𝐒 𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑| 𝐋.𝐒𝐍𝐀𝐑𝐓 (𝟏)Where stories live. Discover now