one - be the whole problem

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"My father, Henry Moore owns 15% of the nation gas economy within stocks or upright ownership." The blonde dipshit across me boasted sending me an overconfident smile that flattered the big piece of pepper sitting within his front teeth.

After seeing my bored expression he immediately added, "You must know my father right? Henry Moo-"

"Never heard of him."

I smiled a little as I watched his chirpy smile fall into a frown before quickly recovering, "No wonder, you are one of the most beautiful girls I've ever met. So you must be in the cosmetic business right?"

I took a deep breath, "Property." The words bouncing off my lips sounding odd. Still not used too that.

I dropped my head down to the table sighing, not even caring about the fact that the person I am on a date with was watching me.

The reason why I even agreed to this date baffles me. Maybe it was because he was the only person at my mother funeral ceremony too not treat me like a glass about to shatter.

Although now I realize he didnt treat me normally because he cared it was because he was the most fucking idiotic self centered person I had ever met.

"So daddy's money bought you a company?" He asked snapping me back to reality.

I scoffed, "Moms money and I inherited the company, but I just get the money. I don't have a dad."

"Or a mom."

I had to do a double take not fully believing the words that just came out of his mouth. If I wasn't so exhausted from running around all day tying up my mothers loose ends that she didnt even think a second about that how her daughter would have to deal with before taking her life, I would of laughed.

But not today.

"Your alone now Liliana, I can help you."

I scoffed done with his bullshit, "I don't even know your fucking name."

I pushed my chair back, reaching my purse giving him no reaction before pulling out a couple of hundreds and slamming them on the table. Definitely way too much for the meal, but it would make the waiters day.

I smiled a toothy grin at him , "Cute bald spot, it flatters your entitlement"

I walked quickly out of the restaurant clutching my purse in case he tried to beat my ass or something.

I shot the host a quick smile that didn't quite reach my eyes before stepping out off the restaurant.

Flashes went off almost immediately instantly blinding me as the paparazzi swarmed me.

"Liliana! Liliana!"

I ducked my head down checking where my ride was, seeing I had two minutes to spare I plastered on a smile before nodding my head towards a lady wearing a red blouse stood asking me a question.

"Liliana, how do you feel about your mothers recent passing?" She asked happily gesturing the mic towards me.

"Well my mom died, so im definitely not thrilled." I let out a small laugh as I awkwardly scratched the back of my neck still new to all this.

My mom tried hard to keep me out of the limelight but nows that shes gone, keeping up our family's reputation was another burden added to my nineteen year old shoulders. That along with managing an entire fucking company.

I quickly made a mental note to talk to Thomas, my mom former assistant about the company merging paperworks. I let out a sigh as I focused on the crowd before me.

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