thirty nine - speak now by taylor swift

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We line up as I talk under my breath to Ella who was telling me about a date she went on with some guy as we lined up waiting for the wedding to start.

"It's like at the point where he's such a loser, that I'm loving it." She laughs quietly to herself as she takes a bouquet of flowers, before handing one to me.

I refuse the bouquet, "I think my boyfriend has one." Since bridesmaids had to walk down with groomsmen while holding flowers, I assumed Roman already had some.

"Don't lower your standards though." I remind her as I smile at the incorporation of lilies in the bouquet.

Ella grins, "You sound like you say that with experience."

I sigh shaking my head, "I've lowered my standards so many times, and they still didn't want me down there."

"Well at least now they've been raised, at least from what I can see." She pauses, "Thats not me hitting on your boyfriend by the way, that me using my eyes."

I bring my hand up to my heart, mocking offense, "How could you say that!" before smiling.

Ella starts saying something in response when Asher comes out of no where and plops a cowboy hat on Ella who scrunches up her face.

"Found it for three dollars at gas station." He tells her, even though she didn't ask.

"Meaning it definitely has lice. Thanks." She gives him a mock smile before dropping into an emotionless face.

"You know what they say wear the hat, ride the cowboy." Asher gives her a loopy grin and she smiles rolling her eyes.

"I haven't heard that ever." I say, because well ... just cause I like annoying Asher.

Asher turns to me, "Who let you in here?"

"Haha." I deadpan, "Nice suit."

"It's a tuxedo."

I smile at his expression, "You look good by the way."

It was the truth, Asher was quite good looking in general but the tuxedo and his swooped back blonde hair made his eyes pop, which he knew as his grin widened, "Thanks Liliana."

"I'll make sure to wear it at you and loverboys wedding." Asher adds taking a sip from a beer bottle I frowned upon.

"You aren't supposed to be drinking asshole, theirs a whole sign." I hold my lips in a thin line.

"I watched Marco take like three shots a second ago so he doesn't shit himself up there." Asher says matter of factly to which I counter, "Im sure he's gonna shit himself anyway after taking three consecutive shots."

" You're probably right, I mean you know all things alcohol as a hardcore alcoholic."

I give him a light smack on his head, "Where's my boyfriend?"

Asher rubs the place where my hand was a second ago, "Last time I saw him he was heading over."

"Thanks." I say before turning around and weaving my way throughout the crowd.

The wedding was on the beach therefore there was a tent set up full of everyone part of the ceremony, and a slit in the tent for everyone to file out accordingly during the wedding.

I see the back of Roman's head leaning over the flower table weaving through the different bouquets.

A smile crept on my face as I approach him, "Im pretty confident their all the same thing."

Roman turns around and I blush slightly because he looked really good, "Nice Tuxedo."

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