twenty eight - all carb diet karen

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"This was conspired personally against me." I say, huffing and puffing. I gasp for air as I put my hands on my knees pausing our climb.

The little bit of exercise I did on our beach trip back to Roman's home last week was rendered useless as we returned, and attempted to climb this hill for my dads engagement party.

"He." I puff out, "He knew I was out of shape, and that is specifically why he decided to get engaged on a hill."

"Whatever you need to keep walking love." Roman hands me water that I glance up at him because why did he bring water?

I take it, "Is this month old water from your car?"

"No, I brought it for you because I knew we would be walking."

"How did you know we were going to be mountain climbing?"

"It's a hill first Lily and second I recognized the address. I come here for warmup runs sometimes."

"This is .. your warmup?" I give him a look and he chuckles, "It's a single hill."

"Give me a second." I mutter crouching down on the luscious grass. I dig through my bag and pull out the flask I had specifically packed.

I take a big gulp for pure vodka and hand it out to Roman who shakes his head no. "Im meeting your father."

"That exactly why I brought it."

When Roman gives me a bored look, I cover my face, "I can't walk anymore."

"I told you I would carry you Lily." Roman repeated his offer he had stated multiple times but I roll away.

"I don't want to walk and I don't want to see my dad."

Roman exhaled, "Okay, then what do you want to do?"

"I don't know!"

I expected Roman to lash out at me, because I was being annoying but he sits down next to me and slightly chuckles, "How can I help Lily?"

"I don't know. I'm being such a bitch i'm sorry." I groan into him and he pats my head, "You're perfect."

"Im going get drunk and your going to have to carry me back down this hill." I sigh out and he nods, "I won't drink anything so I can be fully capable to do that."

"Thank you."

Roman and I trudge up the hill, and then back down. The down part was really really fun because I ran super fast until Roman told me to relax because my knee was just getting better.

When the party comes in sight, I slightly gasp. It was at a large house, with a fountain spewing out water. People shuffling all around, some dressed up to serve food and other for the occasion. I look around at the professional decor and sigh.

Because years ago, when I called my dad to leave my moms house he told me he didn't have money. This quite begs to differ.

I turned to Roman and I could tell he was thinking the same thing, before being hastily interrupted by a frantic caterer.

"Hi! Yes you, can you please help me with some boxes, their super heavy and I can't ...." He breathed out, and Roman looked over at me.

I nodded, and he turned, "Yeah sure. Where are they?"

Roman scurried off to go be a good humanitarian, and I leaned forward and swiped a glass of champagne from a tray.

I scan the perimeter, looking around for anyone I knew. I hadn't contact people from my childhood, so I had to look extra close to recognize people. Which didn't work anyway, until I see some guy out of the corner of my eye.

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