sixteen - i am a new yokie

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The eggs are falling apart, the toast is burning, the cereal is soggy now and SHIT THE WAFFLES ARE BURNING.

I run across the kitchen and unplug the waffle mater immediately, choking on the smoke rising up from them. I open it and they are undercooked so now im confused.

I sigh as I push around the eggs then decide they are done. I plate them before realizing I forgot seasoning. I mean I assume they would taste fine so I put the plate on the counter with a piece of charred toast.

Im scrapping my waffle off the maker when Roman walks in, innocently like he didn't wreak my shit last night.

That came off wrong.

I meant like I woke up this morning with this man on top of me unable to breath. I swear some of my ribs resnapped every time I attempted to move. But now I knew I smelled like him and that made me happy.

I sent a picture of Roman sleeping on top of me to Alina and she texted back, get married already.

"Whats burning?" Roman said sleepily and his morning voice I swear to god made the hairs on my arm prickle all up.

"Your breakfast." I attempt to mold the waffle pieces into a waffle square but its giving more parallelogram.

"Damn im lucky." Roman sniffed and I hand him a tissue and he takes it.

"You have soccer today?" I say to Roman as I give him the ugly ass waffle he immediately smiles at.

"Shut up." I mutter smiling back and he reply's to my earlier question, "No, not today."

Roman pushes around the eggs I made for him as I stare at him. He hesitantly takes a bite.

I can tell he absolutely hates it, by the way he reluctantly chewed. "Its good." Roman said smiling at me, mouth closed with a mouthful of egg.

"Thanks Lily." Roman said after he chewed them and swallowed them down with an entire glass of water. I sit down next to him on the stools and he hands me his fork.

I try the eggs and have to resist the urge to spit them out, "Roman these are awful."

"I think they're perfect." Roman said grabbing the fork and eating more.

"Best eggs you've ever had?"

"Yeah they're made by you."

His answer warms my heart and I get up and do a little twirl, "You hang out with me enough and ill cook dinner for you."

"Ill cook you dinner." Roman replies and I cock my head to the side.

"You cook?"


I move around the counter and face him, "I didn't know that."

"My mom had this whole thing where she taught Marco, Asher and I how to cook. So we could do it when we grew up."

"My dad didn't ever help so she taught us shit like this so we could help." Roman reveals and I kept my emotion sincere.

"That is the cutest thing ever." I exclaim as I give him a little pat on the head before remembering something.

"I have an idea!" I squeal before pulling out my phone, "Have you ever seen the statue of liberty?"

Roman shook his head no, and I nodded, "Me neither actually and i've lived here like fifteen years."

"Is that New Yorks shit?"

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