six - ice coffee slut

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pov : roman

"My girlfriends in town on Saturday and I want to see her so I cant come." Theo quickly said like he had rehearsed that line for hours previously.

Stupid fucking fuck.

"Do I look like I give a shit." I said dully, tossing an extra soccer ball into my bag.

"Well." He thought about if a second. "No. But hear me out."

I groaned and turned around from that idiot but he ran right back up to me.

"Shes mad at me so I want to fix things with her."

I swear boys who have girlfriends are the biggest pussies ever, like they feel the need to suck up so they get some head at night.

"She can be mad at you while your on the field." I cut him off and walked away before being caught by Asher.

"You can have the day off Theo." He said quickly to him before turning to me, "Give him a break he hasn't seen her in like three months."

"She probably ran away from his annoying ass."

Asher gave me a hard look and I sigh, "Whatever." before adding, "Your gonna find a center for Saturdays game."

Lily would have laughed.

"Come on man have some pity for the guy with the girlfriend." Marco came up to us spinning a soccer ball on his finger.

"Not the only one." Asher said giving me a slight shove as I gave him a annoyed look.

"Don't start." The second I saw them at the door, I knew they would never leave me alone about it. Which was true as I was harassed while watching the game, the car ride over and during warmup about it.

Honestly im the victim here.

"Are you mad cause you haven't seen her in the last twelve hours?" Marco said laughing as he set the ball down.

Thirteen but whatever.

I run my hand through my hair as I exhale annoyed, "What are we in high school? Shes annoying as hell, leave me the fuck alone."

These fuckers are lucky we grew up together because I swear to god I was about to break Ashers nose again. Marco would probably break his entire leg if I even stepped on his toe though.

I furrowed my eyes as he dramatically dropped down to the ground randomly. "Asher please I hurt my toe, can you carry me." Asher dramatically helped Marco up, "Of course my love." Before they both looked over at me and laughed.

"Real fucking funny." I grumbled crossing my arms, "She tripped over the curb, it was pathetic, did you expect me to leave her there or some shit?"

"Well." Marco pauses and thinks, "You would of left me."

"Do you have water?" I quickly change the subject getting irritated. He nodded and held out the bottle he was just drinking from.

"Whatever." I deny. I have one of those stupid things where I cant drink from someone else cup without throwing up.

Except for that fact that I drank from Lily's cup yesterday multiple times. I don't know what I did it or why honestly I didn't mind doing it.

Honestly it was probably because every time I would drink it she would give me an annoyed look and check to see how much is left.

It was cute.

"Fuck off." I mutter finally to Marco sitting down on the bench on the left side of the soccer field where the rest of the team was practicing. My phone dings, and I quickly pull it out.

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