five - mother where are u

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authors note: yes i have no idea how soccer works i just guessed i just think soccer men are hot hop off my dick 😔

"Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. I swear to god im going to find my mother than bury you six feet under." I said trudging along the sidewalk and Roman and I headed towards his car.

Roman starts saying something from the five feet distance behind me that im making him stay at so I don't clock him in the jaw, but I cut him off.

"No. No shut up. One word and im cramming you in the same urn as my mother."

"Urn my ass. Thats a damn cookie jar."

"With my MOTHER in it." I said turning around, holding my arm out for his keys.

He took them out of his pocket, "Are you sure your old enough to drive."

I ignored him, "Did you find the address?"

Roman looked at me for a second before his eyes  flickered down to his phone screen. He airdropped it to me and I accepted. His contact popped up and I quickly named him, Mom murderer.

Roman looked over my shoulder before blandly saying, "Cant kill something thats already dead."

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath before walking away and getting into the car. Roman climbed into the passenger seat and I groaned seeing that there was an unfortunate 45 minute drive ahead of me.

"How long ago did you sell my mother?" I asked Roman turning my head to look out my rearview mirror as I backed out.

Roman shrugged, " About forty."

I look over at him in shock, "You were selling my stuff for forty minutes?"

"Isn't that what I just said."

"You and your bitchy attitude could have stayed at home, you know?" I took a sharp turn onto the highway causing Roman to move slightly to the left where he decided to put his hand on my thigh, to stabilize himself.

"I felt bad." He said giving my thigh a slight squeeze before letting go.

I shut my eyes for a second at the feeling before recovering, "What was going on in your mind when you decided to sell my mother?" I took a deep breath in, trying to understand the situation.

"Listen Lily, I didn't know it was your mother."

"Its a goddamn jar Roman? Are you blind? Deaf? Crippled? or just fucking stupid."

Roman held his hands up in protest, "Who the fuck keeps their mother in a jar?"

"I liked the design on the urn!"

"My god."

"Go to hell you six foot maggot."

"Im 6,4." Roman said shifting in his seat so he could face more towards me.

I frown towards him, "Stop that."

"Stop what?"

"Looking at my side profile."

"You're annoying." Roman sighed pulling out his phone and scrolling through it. The thought suddenly comes in my mind how much I actually
don't know about him. Like I wonder if he has any friends, I mean I don't and im pitch perfect so I bet he's real lonely.

I turn and look him up and down causing Roman to look at me from the side of his eye which was a funny sight because he looked all cute and defensive, making me slightly laugh.

"Why are you looking at me like that." Roman mumbled still looking at me as he flipped his phone upside down.

"Do you have any friends?"

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