twelve - legal criminal

638 15 5

I did something bad.

Just like Taylor Swift.

Although after I did it, I didn't drop one of the best pop clap back of the century.

So I was hungry. Really freaking hungry.

Its been three weeks since Roman last went grocery shopping for me and honestly? I haven't seen him in a while.

Thanksgiving passed, him and Alina went down to Alina's moms house and I hadn't seen him since.

We texted a little but nothing major.

I tried texting him goodnight once, then screamed into my pillow because that was the most actually embarrassing thing I could have ever done.

I ended leaving him on read since then because I couldn't bear to text him because then I would think about that cringy text I sent him and die.

I tried eating everything, but all that ive had lately consisted of either ice or frozen kale so I decided to head to chipotle.

I mean did I have enough money to even afford half of a chipotle bowl? No.

But did I have enough common sense to steal one? Yes.

So I did. I waltzed into Chipotle. I searched for a chicken bowl and grabbed Maria's order right of the shelf with no shame.

Now see, with my luck while I was harmlessly stealing the bag of literally freaking rice someone else was stealing someone wallet: So as I dazzled out of Chipotle with my food I hear a cop yell.

Now when I hear this cop yell, I got really scared.

So I started running

because I thought they were there for me.

and then, see this is the part that cracks me up.

I got arrested.

You can laugh, I find it a little funny.

My holding cell partner, Eliza found it hilarious.
She was there for recently murdering her husband and was giving me all the juicy deets.

"And I was like girl if im gonna go for money laundering, might as well kill this son of the bitch and get twenty more?" Eliza said as we laughed while sitting across from each other on the cold floor of the cell.

"I mean that what he was gonna get, cheating on you and all." I replied as I nodded with her in sympathy.

"Pick a different conversation topic." The grumpy police officer snarled as he looked into our cell.

"You really think this little white girls gonna do shit?" Eliza snapped at the guard and he sighed in defeat.

I sighed at her as well, "You think ill survive in jail Eliza?"

"Nah baby, your gonna be out in the next 12 hours. They don't keep your kind in here, thats how the world works"

"Go in when they call you, and call up whatever hot shot boyfriend you got n' leave. You got your whole life in front of you."

"Come 'er " Eliza patted the spot next to her and I scooted over. She reached into her pocket and pulled out a stack of bills.

I gave her a look, "Their real, from my husband." She whispered at me as she put it in the pocket of my shorts.

"I cant." I said reaching for my pocket but she stopped my hand, "I don't got nothing for me in jail, use em' and if your gonna steal food, baby, try Walmart."

I gave her a smile, "Thank you."

"Now tell me more about this boyfriend' of yours."

I chuckled, "I don't have a boyfriend."

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