thirty six - walk of shame

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Only one things worse than pushing your ex away after you practically jumped him to kiss him, and then claiming it was the biggest mistake of your life and that is ..

Wedding recital with said very annoyed ex and your crippling inability to admit when your wrong.

"I have to loop my arm through yours now by the way." I say like a freaking loser to Roman, who spared me a singular glance.

"Okay, make sure it's not a mistake though." Roman responds curtly.

I blink, cross my arms, "What's that supposed to mean?"

"I mean you just have this habi-"

"Okay listen that was not my fault, because if you hadn't abandoned me-"

"Abandoned you? If you gave me a chance to explain you would know."

"I have given you many chances-" I start but am cut off by the wedding planned motioning us, "Okay now you two walk up."

Roman and I make our way hesitantly, down the beach wedding set up.

"Stop gripping my arm like you're trying to kill me, go for the neck instead dumbass." I whisper to him.

"Im holding your arm because you're about to literally fucking fall and twist your ankle." Roman stops to insult my shoes.

I throw my arms up, "So now you hate my shoes?"

"You know what I hate?" Roman asks rhetorically and I raise my eyebrows, "Enlighten me."

"When you kiss me first, call it a mistake then get mad at me." Roman snaps, and I groan, "When will you leave me alone about this?"

"You are such a freaking girl when it comes to stuff like this! It is my job to over react according to the laws of the 1950s." I point threateningly at him.

"Keep talking and I swear to god I will fight you. And I will win." Yup, keep going Liliana I bet he is quivering in his pants right now.

"Do a singular push-up right now." Roman narrows his eyes, and I drop down to the ground, " Fine."

Hm. Not fine. Very humiliating in fact. "Just give me a seeeeeeeeecccc- ommph." My face hits the ground as I am very not able to lift myself back up.

Seeing Roman's snickers, I frown and point to the ground, "You try then."

Roman then proceed to drop to the ground and do ten push-ups on his three fingers. I quickly look away, and Roman comes and moves my chin so I face him, "Anything to say Lily?"

"Hm what? Oh did you do it? My bad sorry I wasn't watching."

"I'll do them again." Roman swats his hands to get rid of the sand.

"Really absolutely no need like please do not."

"Again we are trying to practice a wedding here." The wedding planner frowns at Roman and his random push-ups.

"Watch out girlfriend, he might hold a grudge against you for saying that." I say patting her back.

"Why do we have to practice a wedding? Dosent that seem stupid?" Asher says with a mouthful of the cookies that suspiciously were supposed to be saved for the bachelorette party tonight.

"I agree." Roman and I say at the same time, before glaring at each other.

"You have no right to look at me like that." I comment.

Roman gets all defensive, "Like what?"

"Like this fight is my fault, you kissed me back!" I point at him.

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