thirty one- two years later ..

493 13 14

(Time skip) TWO YEARS LATER:


My eyes flutter open as I shift around, the duvet covers enclosing around me in a way where I almost sink into them.

I smile as I fully wake up and stare at the ceiling. I've had this apartment for four months, and the fact that I own it, that its mine is still new to me.

Okay .. well not mine but I do actively pay rent mostly on time which is something for me.

I absentmindedly slam on my alarm clock (because I have one of those now) finally shutting it off after the fifth swat.

I shuffle out of my bed and continue my morning routine, washing my face, throwing on some clothes and matching some cute shoes with my shirt.

I shuffle out my room, when I hear some noise actively in my kitchen.

I pause, this was strange, considering the fact I live alone.

My mind panics, I knew I needed to chill out on the Netflix documentary shows. I creep around the living room, and hesitantly peer into the kitchen.

I sigh out when I finally see who it is, "Nick you scared the shit out of me."

Nick, the guy I had been seeing, not officially for about two weeks looked back, "Sorry, I knew I should of left last night but." He shrugged, "You know."

No I didn't know but whatever, I pull my hair into a makeshift ponytail as a reflex tic, " No that's fine, I have to go to work soon though."

"Luckily I made some grub." Nick flashes me a smile as he passes me a plate of food, his smile causes absolutely nothing in my stomach unlike the way Ro-.

Absolutely not. Not today.

He who should not be named, should stay un-named.

A pounding on my door causes me to look away from the disgusting spinach on my plate to my door. A key rattles and my door swings open, revealing a yawning Alexis, "Why do none of your doorknobs work?"

I laugh out loud, but then doorknobs remind me or something, of someone and that dies down.

Shit, I mean you'd think I'd be over it after nine months.

Alexis's eyes turn disapproving as she spots Nick, and I don't have a chance to stop her as she attacks, "Nick, has anyone ever told you it's not okay to overstay your welcome?"

"Im making-" He starts and Alexis cuts him off, "I don't care. She dosent care, come on now. Out, out, out, out." She shuffles him to the door and his blonde hair mirrors his face emoting a frown as she slams it.

"If you're going to bang anyone, which again, im glad we're doing that now, make it your ex boyfriend. Not these random losers please, you're prettier with your dignity." Alexis throws a lock of her red hair over her shoulder and melts into the couch.

"Don't mention he-who-shall-never-be-named please." I bury my hands in my face.

Alexis's face pops up over the couch, "Hm they call the villain that in my book." My eyebrows shoot up, "You're twenty-two and reading Harry Potter?"

"They are good books." She argues back, jumping up and going to the kitchen where she peers into the contents in the pan Nick was shuffling, and dumps it in the trash, "Ill make you some real food."

"So." Alexis breaths out, "We need to talk."

"You know what happened last time those words were said to me right?" I laugh at my joke, and she fights a smile, "Shut up, that is not how it went down. Wasn't it a mutual agreement?"

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