fourteen - frick vapes

687 17 6

Nobody gets their Christmas tree from a farm.

I don't believe that Hallmark bullshit.

My Christmas tree is from the backrooms clearance shelves of KMART and your telling me you went to Susie's Christmas Tree Farm?

Unless your Taylor swift,

I call



The bull is shitting.

I finally propped up my mini cheap ass FAKE Christmas tree as soon as Thanksgiving was over and did the movie hand swat thing. I peer at it. It looks weird.

One of the branches stuck out, leading me to attempt to shove it back in. The branch then fell off completely and I threw it in the middle and it evened out.

I used to have these silver ornaments which went missing from the storage unit I brought the tree from so I had to be sustainable.

Meaning I crumbled up tons of little toilet paper in balls and stuck them in random places.

Places on the tree might I clarify.

It looked, unique!!!

Roman would find it funny.

Hm. I pull my phone out and snap a picture of it and send it to Roman,

me: rate it

roman: tf is that

me: my tree, what u trying to say?

me: rate it now

roman: zero

me: cunt!

roman: are u home

me: no im in bali sending u a live picture of a tree in my literal fucking living room

roman: open up

me: later tonight my jaw hurts i chewed gum

roman: no the door u idiot

I scrunch up my nose slightly in embarrassment and yank open my front door and peer at his amused face, " So are we on for later tonight?"

I give him the middle finger, "You could've knocked and I would of answered quicker."

"If you were sleeping, I didn't want to wake you." Roman said turning from me and closing the door before rubbing his eyes.

"Its 11 in the morning what would .." I trail off getting his joke and he annoyingly nods, making me notice something about him.

"You should sleep more, you look like shit." I half lie, telling the truth about the dark circles under his eyes but in all honestly, slightly psychotically lying about how the dead eye thing was making him look hotter.

"Im sick." Roman said and I now notice how he did look quite sick as he laid down on my couch. I raised my eyebrows, "You're sick?"

"Mm." Roman groaned into on of my pillows before grabbing my Taylor Swift blanket off the floor and throwing it on himself without looking at it.

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