thirty two pt 2. - im being set up

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"No." I groan as I stare at the sign on my door, I turn to Asher who just followed me inside after the whole Leo thing, "Is this a joke? Does Alina think she's funny?"

"Well, personally I find it kind of funny." Asher responds, arms crossed, crooked grin, and staring up at the sign that said "Liliana and Roman's room."

"Im sleeping on the couch." I try.
"Occupied." Asher counters.

Floor? Occupied
Kitchen? Occupied
Hallway? Occupied
Bathroom? Occupied and high chance i'll get pissed on.

I angrily storm down the stairs, and confront Roman in the kitchen, "I know I said i'll never talk to you again but now we are sleeping together."

He gave me a look.

Then I retrace my steps, "Um okay wait, 
that totally just came out. Wrong."

"I mean in the same bed, some sorta sick joke." I add to let him know I am very angry at this.

"Your going to kill me in my sleep." Roman hands me a pretty grin.

He pushes himself off the counter, "Ill find somewhere else to sleep, so you can be comfortable."

"Yeah, you do that. Off." I shoo him out of the kitchen, his hands accidentally brushing my waist and my body physically having a reaction.

I make my way to the kitchen and pull open the fridge which was woah fully stocked damn these people must be rich.

I see some half filled orange juice, oh my god im so petty.

I unscrew the top and start chugging it. This is kind of gross, how does Roman enjoy this?

"Somehow this would be more normal if it was alcohol." One of the guys in the kitchen says to me and I snort causing me to cough.

"Can you guys please drink some?" I ask and the two guys and one girl give me a confused look. I pour it into their cups and finish the rest off myself and put the empty bottle back into the fridge.

When Roman comes back into the kitchen, I cant help contain my laugher and he sighs, "Please keep that pretty smile on your face as I tell you there's no where else I can sleep."

I do not keep the smile on my face, I give him a frown, "Are you serious? Did you even look?"

Roman runs his, oh my veiny, ring filled hand over his face, "Yes, give me that much credit at least."

I snort, wow i've been doing that often, "Whatever. Its just a bed."

"Lots of things happen on a bed." The one guy says to his girlfriend, and Roman and I flick him off at the same time.

Yawning, I steal some pillows of the downstairs couch, and drag them upstairs with Roman trailing behind me.

I kick open the door forcefully and toss all of the pillows on the bed. Pulling off the cover, I carefully arrange the pillows in a line down the bed, separating us into two sides.

"Do you not trust me?" Roman quietly asks after a moment.

My heart breaks, "No. I don't trust myself."

"Don't worry guys my eyes are c-losed." Asher breaks the silence by barging into our room like maniac with an arm shield on his eyes, from whatever he thought we were doing in here.

Roman yanks his hand down from his face, rather harshly, then slaps him lightly on the back of his head, "Shut up."

"Give the hands a rest, don't you think they've done enough swinging tonight?" Asher scowls at Roman, who rolls his eyes.

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