fifteen - no weed 4 me

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"I had a bad interaction with climbing on a dumpster once." I say looking down to Alina causing her to smile.

"Please." Alina begs and I push myself higher upon the dumpster until I possess enough stability to stand up. "If I had know the restaurant had big windows I wouldn't have worn heels I swear."

I walk closer to the restaurants air conditioning vent and pull it out, well attempt too. "Its not coming out." I groan pulling harshly then decided to chill out before I went flying.

I get it out finally tugging at the cord, I hand it down to Alina who misses catching it.

The sound clangs through the alley as we both paused, our eyes darting around.

"Sorry I was distracted by your ass." Alina chuckles after a second as she bends down to pick it up. Her joke causes me to smile before turning back to the now open hole looking into the restaurant.

"Can you see the tables?"

I look inside, "Sorta." The drink station inside the kitchen was blocking most of my view, but I could see into the table region if I craned my neck enough. It seemed like a fancy place but I wouldn't know, I hadn't gone to one ever. My mother would usually leave me home, which isn't the case as I see mothers with their children all dressed up, their faces beaming.

"Its seems so nice." I say entranced in the scene and Alina dismisses it, "Not really, we've been to better."

That reminds me of Marco and I look around for him, almost locking eyes with him as I find him sitting across a very pretty red haired girl. He seems to tell her something which causes her to dip her head back in laughter.

"Do you see him?" Alina desperately asked and I took a breath in, "Yeah."

"Is she pretty?"

I really did like Marco, and im glad he decided go expand his horizons with this gorgeous girl. Marco seemed happy, but my alliances lie with my girl.

"Your better." I said looking down and immediately get upset looking at the sad expression she carried on her face.

Her tongue rolled into her cheek and her eyes grew glossy at the tears she blinked away. "I have a plan."

Alina told me it as I dangled my feet over the dumpster and after shes done I drop my jaw in shock, "Alina that is psychotic." 


The greeters eyes quickly dart over my outfit, consisting of Roman huge sweatshirt on me. I don't blame him, my attire different than those surrounding me's with their dresses and suits.
"Do you have a reservation?" He asked me.

"Um yes." I quickly lie tucking my hair behind my ear.

"Under what name?"

"I didn't make it." I dart my eyes around scanning the restaurant now from the front.

"Party of?" He tried.

"Four." I pray to all that is holy someone made a reservation for four people.

"I don't believe we have one of those."

"Did I say four? I mean six sorry." I scratch my leg with my nails harshly trying to get myself to calm down.

"Sorry ma'am we dont have those either."

"I meant two." I lie again.


"Yes." I sigh out.

"Welcome, Ill lead you to your table." The greeter said grabbing a menu and I dismiss him.

"Ill find it, thanks"

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