twenty nine - alexa play jelously jealousy

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I pull my top over my head, leaving me in my bra, "Nope, too cute."

Alexis stops digging through my closet to give me a pointed look, "I don't understand your logic with that."

"If I look shitty and you look like you always do, amazing, then he's more in agreement that your prettier."

"But you can't even look crappy." She frowns and I throw the shirt I was holding towards her, "Shut up, and wear that sluttish top."

I decide on one of Roman's jersey that was lingering in my closet from when he slept over and throw it over my head, as Alexis found a short crop top to wear. Roman lightly mentioned on our call earlier that after the game, him and Asher were probably going to crash over at my house and watch the basketball game.

Thats all it took for us to jump up from lazying up on my bed embracing each other presence while scrolling on our phones to getting Alexis ready to see Asher. Our plan was slightly psychotic but who cares at least she will look hot.

"Can I use your lip liner?" Alexis asks me as I pass her in my bathroom and I nod, so she follows it up with, "Is red lip too much?"

"Never." I respond, putting my hair up in a ponytail because I look worse that way and besides Roman was already my boyfriend he can't go back now.

We hear noises in the hallway, and practically fling ourselves over the couch and attempt to appear casual.

The key I gave Roman for my apartment jingles, and then jingles some more because he struggles with doors, before opening and Alexis gave me an excited look.

"Now I can't piss correctly, I don't know I think I really fucked this shit up." The "claimed" love of Alexis life, was saying loudly to my boyfriend.

I give Alexis a "really" look and she mouths, "So what? He's funny."

That's one thing to call Asher, I suppose.

"Lily?" Roman calls out and I stick a singular hand up from where I was laying on the couch before popping up, "Hi!!"

Romans lazy smile creeps back up, and his eyes gleam as I throw myself on top of him because hadn't seen each other in eight hours and that is very long for us.

I give him a quick kiss, before pointing at Asher, "Hello you loser, where are my $7?"

"That bet was bullshit." Asher scrunches up his face at the bet I placed on him a couple days ago, that I could totally make Roman laugh first, and of course I did.

"Pay her." Roman says in a rather commanding tone that he should use more often because phew.

As Asher digs for his wallet, I plop down on the couch next to an Alexis that was talking to me through her eyes, I get comfy, "Alexis is here too, lets watch the game."

"Whos that?" Roman asks from behind me, and I roll my eyes, "The one you claim I always smoke weed with."

"Oh." He says, "Asher's girlfriend."

I nearly scream, WHY WOULD HE SAY THAT.


I give him an extremely mad stern look, Alexis buried her head in her hands and Asher's eyebrows shot up as he looked around for his acclaimed girlfriend.

"What?" Roman asks unaware with an adorable mouthful of the pasta I had made for him and I shook my head and turned to Asher, "Asher you know Alexis right? the one you never called."

Asher looked at her, his eyes softening, "Oh yeah, sorry about that. I've been busy."

I raise my eyebrows, "With what?"

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