seven - confirmed: i cant play soccer

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"This one?" Jake struggled slightly as he finally lifted the box piled high with stuff.

I side eye him, "Well thats the one I pointed to didn't I?"

Jake gives me a hesitant look, not understanding my joke. I don't know if he's into that stuff but someone needs to get the stick that is shoved so far up his ass, like there are search warrants for it at this point.

I ended up agreeing with Jakes proposal of being friends after finding out that I had to bring the stuff inside from my old house. I prefer to do the least work possible while complaining about how much work im doing; Which is why Jakes hands are piled high with boxes and mine are piled high with excuses.

"Hi Sally." I smile at the receptionist per usual as I trailed behind Jake as we crossed the front entrance towards the elevators.

Jake clicked the elevator button, since my "hand was hurt." He turned to me with his pathetic little grin, "Want to catch some lunch after this?"

The only thing he's gonna catch is these hands if he doesn't get the fuck out of here after this.

"Sure." I smiled at him before turning away and dropping it as the elevator opened.

My smile instantly reappeared as the figure in the elevator slightly formed a smile as we made eye

"Lily." Roman stated, looking at me up and down, especially up.  I made a good decision in over sweating and changing into a crop top and shorts.

Ill admit from the deepest depths of my soul, I had the tiniest weeniest crush on Roman.

He's so mean to me and so annoying and its honestly pathetic, and im the victim here. I was forced upon the balcony by absolutely no one to watch him cut the grass shirtless that was in front of our apartment in order for the landscaping guys to have a day off.

But then again, anyone who's ever been in a ten feet radius of this man had to have felt a tingle or shit.

One time I have unfortunately made the mistake of walking out of the apartment bickering with him, and I swear to all that is heavenly this man pulled a Troy Bolton.

I mean ive never seen high school musical, I don't even know if thats his name but whatever happened then I bet has happened in one of those cringe ass Disney movies. (Descendants that statement did not include you, you are a work of lyrical art please make a fourth one, I need a purpose.)

You know like that moment when the big shot walks in and all the heads turn.

Except it was my annoying neighbor who likes to pinch me and then chase me in the middle of the night while im getting ice and every women in the fifty feet radius.

"Are you actually acknowledging my presence?" I joke in response to his hello, remembering our conversation in my kitchen last week regarding his social skills.

He softly shrugged, "I got some feedback."

Jake cleared his throat causing me to glance over at him, which Roman did too causing his slight smile to fall as his jaw ticked. Assuming what he meant, I quickly stepped into the elevator near Roman.

Jake then proceeded to park himself in the middle of Roman and I, separating us.

The silence was awful, I stared straight ahead or at my feet refusing to look to the side in fear of accidentally making eye contact with Roman who I could feel was gazing upon me. Especially with the fact that Jake clearly didn't like Roman after the sweatshirt incident and holy crap Roman thinks Jake is my boyfriend. I am a mess.

Jake finally broke the silence as he turned to me, "Where do you want to go for lunch?"

I force myself to look at him, "Um- You know- Food place."

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