twenty one - fuck you

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"Lily.' The Roman in my dream whispered from between my legs before I realized that that was the actual Roman whispering.

Not from in between my legs but ..

I turn around as he taps me, yawning because I swear it hadn't been more than an hour since I fell asleep.

I sheepishly flutter open my eyes and make eye contact with Roman who for some reason looked extra good, wearing a black hoodie and red cargo pants. He had paired it with a hat that matched his pants, which sat backward on his head. I give him a confused look as he slightly grinned, "Were you seriously sleeping?"

"No you idiot, I was laying with my eyes closed." I give him a blank stare and he crosses his arms, "Okay. Get up?"

"Get up? Up why?" I say tugging the covers over my head because it was like 1 am and he was doing really good in my dream.

Unfortunately, the Roman in my dreams was way more luscious and kind than the one who yanks the covers off of my head with a moody, "What are you doing?"

"Sleeping? I'm confused?"

"Nobody sleeps here."

"Great! I'll start a trend." I roll over before rolling back, "Wait what do you mean by that?"

'Fuck I don't know why you need a google definition but for the record, we are going out."

"It is the middle of the night are we.." I trail off.

"Sneaking out?" I whisper as I turn to see if Alina was still sleeping, but find her gone.

Roman furrows his eyebrows as if he's confused about why I was confused, "Yeah, Lily. It's a thing people do."

'What if your mom finds out?" I ask before I remember how Roman's mother was literally the same person as him.

"Lacy Casey doesn't care, get up," Roman said yanking the pillow from underneath my head.

"What if she does?" I asked him, and I could tell he knew I was actually worried as he sighed. Roman grabs me up from the bed by my arm, intertwining our fingers before dragging me into the hallway where he knocked on a door.

'Mom, Lily, and I going somewhere." He said through the door giving me an annoyed look, 'You're making me seem like a pussy."

'Close the front door, and stop screaming." I heard Casey mumble and fumble around.

"She seriously doesn't care?" I ask him as we go down the stairs and he nods, "Asher and I came home wasted once at like four in the morning and we found her even more wrecked in the bushes of our yard."

"I really like her," I tell him giggling.

"Where do you want to go?" I ask him and he shrugs, "Anywhere you want to."

"I'm fine with anything," I say trailing off as we exit the house because it wasn't even cold at night for some reason. "It's warmer than I thought."

"Where are the rest of them?" I say sliding on my flip-flops and Roman looks at my toes creepily.

"They went to the Schu's party, at least I know Marco and Alina did," Roman said stepping on my foot just for fun and I wince because hello?

As we walk along the sidewalk, I grab Roman's hand, turning onto the beach. The warm sand crunches under my toes and I smile because I swear this is heaven.

Roman points out to the side and I see a beach house in the distance with lights, and music booming out and realize he was right, this place never slept. 'That's the Schu's house, Asher and Marco and them always go to parties and shit like that at night."

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