eleven - take ur ACT high

598 16 4

"Roman?" The voice travels through the apartment and I glance at Roman who looked slightly annoyed. As the voice rounds the corner, I untangle myself from Roman and hop up.

A girl, around Romans age looked into the bathroom. I almost gasp at how pretty she is. She had long brown hair that was curled, and light green eyes which flattered some freckles that looked so good on her, I almost thought they were fake.

Someone snatched her ass right off Pinterest. 

She glanced down at Roman on the ground,
Roman looked at her annoyed,"What do you want?"

"You would know if you picked up any single one of my calls." She said giving him a look.

Roman groaned and attempted to pull me down from where I was sitting on the toilet. I swat his hands away, as I was clearly very confused by this scenario. I mean who was she?

I mean i've asked him if he has ever "had" a girlfriend, not if he had one currently.

Giving me a look, Roman pulls out his phone and checks his screen, "Sorry." He finally muttered to her. I try not to let my face show my emotion as Roman never really ever apologizes.

"You should be. Your mom was getting mad." She said walking away from the bathroom. A moment later, she re appeared holding a beer bottle that had to be from Romans fridge.

If she knew Romans mom, I mean she had to have know him well. I quickly wipe the mascara that had trailed from my eyes onto my cheeks as I watch this conversation play out, hoping she wouldn't notice me.

"Don't drink that and then drive." Roman said to her and she winked, "Im sleeping by you tonight."

Roman didn't protest and I give him a sad look. He doesn't look at me as she asks,

"How was soccer? Mai tragi fundul?"
(Do you still suck ass?)

I openly frown as he chuckles at whatever she said in whatever language before replying, "Never. Vino mâine la meci."
(Come to the game tomorrow).

She shrugged, "Maybe, only if you buy my ticket."

I use my context clues and my stomach churns as I realize he most likely asked her to come to his soccer game.

"What does your mom want me to do for Thanksgiving?" Roman asked her and she pulled out her phone and scrolled a little.

"She wants you to actually show up first of all and the turkey."

If it had been any other situation, I would of laughed at Romans face as he quickly says, "No."

"Your fucking high Alina, im not doing that." Roman quickly said.

Alina rolled her eyes at Roman as she smiled, "Sucks to be you then. Poate incearca data viitoare sa raspunzi."
(Maybe try replying next time).

When Roman didn't reply to whatever she said, Alina adds, "este în mașina mea, du-te și adu-l în discuție.  Please I drove like two hours here for you."
(its in my car, go bring it up.)

"Im not doing any of that." Roman finally grumbled as he looked at me then back at Alina.

Alina finally looks at me and frowns as she sees my tears from throwing up, "Roman did you make her cry?"

"What? No." Roman said looking at me and reaching up and tucking a piece of my hair behind my ear, which Alina notices.

I look at Alina and am immediately intimidated as I say embarrassingly, laughing "No, I got wasted and just threw up my entire digestive system."

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