two - three stooges are getting heated

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Im not a gym girl.

Believe me i've tried to be the five am girl who drinks water and does yoga but I like sleep too much, water is lame and yoga hurts my ass but I envy them.

So the fact that it is currently seven am and I am getting ready for the gym astonishes me.

Thomas forgot to mention while we were buying this place, that my apartment contains a gym, which contains a mandatory policy that I have to use it once a month. I guess this is so the people who made the gym don't feel stupid and selfish.

I feel stupid and selfish as I find myself standing in the elevator on the way down to the gym as collateral for their crimes.

The gym was basic, floor to ceiling length mirrors with basic equipment blah blah. Couldn't give a shit all I plan to do is run a little and take a million pics to post so people think im all fit.

I found my way to the treadmill and turned on my hype Taylor Swift playlist.

After three Taylor songs, speed-walking at 3.8 mph and sweating like I had just ran a 5k for ten minutes, I decide to call a day.

I sigh, feeling complete and drained with my workout.

"That was legit five fucking minutes." A familiar voice that makes me physical groan says behind me.

I spin around to see stalker neighbor boy as my breath hitches as he comes into view.

Apparently he looks even better in the day.

"Actually it was ten stalker." I correct him scanning him from his messy morning hair all the way down to his pajama pants.

He hummed, his hand ruffling through his hair as he looks at me, "Impressive."

"You know, the last time I saw you, I hoped it was the last time I saw you."

He let out a pleasant chuckle. Im surprised, for the way the man looks you wouldn't think he laughed this much, but again, I am super funny.

"Do I know you?" I fake confusion as his face drops into a slight frown.

"Roman." He said, holding his hand out as if to make a truce.

I sigh, first because of course his name is as hot as him and second, finally this man was acting sane.

"Liliana." I said, instead of shaking his hand giving him a sideway high five.

"Hi Lily."

"No, its Liliana." I correct.


"Liliana, nobody calls me Lily"



"Stop what Lily?"

"My name is Liliana."

"Okay Lily."

I roll my eyes at his pathetic game, but whatever.

I guess whatever this stupid truce was, it would be fine.

Roman held out his arm again, as if for me to give him a handshake. I sigh and give in, moving my right hand from my hip closer to his.

Until he does the worst possible, unlike truce thing ever.

I go to shake his hand before his left hand comes and dumps iced coffee all over me in a swift movement. I jerk my hand away as the liquid flows from my hair into my clothes staining them along the way.

I blink back in surprise as I slowly realize this was payback.

I mean splashing water on someone is one thing but dumping coffee on someone, and fuck I have the meeting after this.

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